Osloran Character in In Search of Dragons | World Anvil


Osloran is the cousin of K'Taa.   K'Taa found Osloran as a member of the cultists at Lor-Tai.   Osloran had gone to search for K'Taa, venturing north from the Plains of Solamnia, leaving his friends and family behind. Eventually, he took a job as ship hand on a merchant vessel that sailed around the extent of the Northern Wastes and into Kalaman Bay. The mercantile vessel was attacked and sunk by Minataur pirates, but Osloran swam to shore with only minor injuries.  
After trekking through the wilderness, he chanced upon the village at Lor-Tai and became mesmerized with the teachings of Embert, and soon took to wearing long, heavy, stifling black robes in the humid heat of the summer and imbibing spoilt milk on command, in order to appease the gods of the Sun and Moons. He met a woman in the village named Ka'ren, whom he eventually wed, and sired a son named Joen.   Ka'ren and Jo'en also drink spoilt milk and wear heavy black robes in the sweltering summer heat.


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