Episode 10: The last of the spiders and a rich reward Report in In the Shadow of the Mountains | World Anvil
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Episode 10: The last of the spiders and a rich reward

General Summary

The fellowship spend three days battling the remaining spiders in the partially flooded level of the mine. Monin and Arahad suffer grievous poisonous bites during the skirmish, but they manage to withdraw to the surface and allow Hathus to heal them of their sickly palour.   Back into the mines, they use the dwarven statue to drain about two feet of water from the waterlogged lowest level, which makes the job of routing the remaining spiders more straightforward.   Searching the nest, the fellowship discovers a fortune in gold and silver and greedily pour it into pouches and sacks before heading back to the surface again.   What do they reveal to Hartfast? Do they drain water from the the mine still further?

Rewards Granted

29 pieces of ancient dwarven gold and 160 silver from an ancient spider nest.

Missions/Quests Completed

The spider threat in the mines under Mountain Hall is vanquished.

Character(s) interacted with

Report Date
16 Aug 2020
Primary Location
  Source: Wolfshield Games

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Cover image: Land of Skyrim by Jonas De Ro


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