Mountain Hall Settlement in In the Shadow of the Mountains | World Anvil
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Mountain Hall

The fast-flowing river waters that protect Mountain Hall are icy cold as they tumble down from the snowy heights of the Misty Mountains. The waters churn and cascade around the hall, surging down a gully that was shaped and widened by many years of craft. The hall has no protective hedge or walls – it needs only the river and the cliffs. A narrow bridge crosses the river, leading to the knot of outbuildings and storerooms at the front of the hall. Behind the long hall itself, a watchtower rises as if in imitation of the towering peaks around.   Mountain Hall is an important staging post on the border of Wilderland and an equally important mining town. The two main locations in the settlement are The Great House and The Burg,   Great House: This high-ceilinged building is the heart of the settlement. It has walls of timber and is kept warm by three huge fire-pits. One fire is kept burning at all times of the year, and the Woodmen believe that if this fire ever goes out, doom will befall their hall.   The Burg: This tall tower was raised by a great chieftain of the Mountain Folk. His daughter, said to be the most beautiful maiden ever seen in Wilderland, cast herself from the top of the tower when her lover was slain in battle with Dwarves. Her body was never found; one story claims that the remorseful Dwarves found her and placed her drowned, half-dead body in a crystal coffin, where she sleeps until her lover returns from beyond the land of the dead.


The Burg

Industry & Trade

Metals and minerals, furs and pelts.

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