Gladden Fields Geographic Location in In the Shadow of the Mountains | World Anvil
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Gladden Fields

As the River Gladden spills into The Anduin, it creates a water-logged landscape of ponds, little slow-flowing channels and marshes called the Gladden Fields. The marshes are not especially perilous or unpleasant — this land knew the Elves, long ago, and their blessing lingers here. In summer, the fields become fields of gold and streams of silver as flowers bloom on the banks and fish leap in the waters. However, travelling at speed through the marshes is impossible. Those who choose not to march around the marshes must either use a flat-bottomed boat, or resign themselves to struggling in and out of sucking mud.


Bogs, briars, mud, patches of dry ground, shallow water, sucking bog, warm sunlight and a cool breeze from the south (only on clear summer days).

Fauna & Flora

Fish thrive in the shallow waters of the Gladden Fields feeding on insects and worms wriggling through the mud. Many species of bird also nest here — a loud noise fills the sky with startled birds. Otters burrow in the muddy banks.   There are a few dangerous creatures in the marshes. Grim Hawks stalk through the reeds in the east of the Gladden Fields, while the middle reaches of the river are home to Swarms of Poisonous Snakes and fat black blood-sucking leeches. The brownish waters may conceal stranger beasts — legends speak of giant swamp boars as big as houses, of slimy monsters lurking in brackish waters, of wisps and boggins and sneeps.
Wetland / Swamp
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