Episodes 3 & 4: In Search of The Dwimmerhorn Report in In the Shadow of the Mountains | World Anvil
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Episodes 3 & 4: In Search of The Dwimmerhorn

General Summary

Episode 3

The fellowship spend a few hours browsing the surprisingly vibrant, semi-permanent market stalls on Trader's Island. Hathus befriends a meat-pie trader and Monin buys a lucky rabbit foot. All too soon, however, they resolve to continue their quest. The price of a skiff is prohibitive, but the party manages to convince two fishermen to row them the short distance down The Anduin to the Gladden Fields.   They spend a miserable few days scouring the marshy lands South of the River Gladden in search of The Dwimmerhorn, and are only buoyed by glimpses of a raised hill through the misty marshscape.   Three days into the allotted ten days agreed with the fishermen, the party encounters a raiding party of Orcs and Warg, chasing down an emaciated, escaped woodman captive. Just as the parties well-planned ambush can be unleashed, Magric betrays them by shouting a warning and diving headlong into the mists. Many corpses collapse into the murk of the marshes before the skirmish is concluded. The freed captive is called Walar and is eternally grateful to the fellowship for his rescue and has some vital clues as to the whereabouts of the illusive hill...  

Episode 4

As the silence of the marshes re-cloak the fellowship they quickly get to work removing the manacles from Walar. He tells a sorry tale and partly confirms the party's fears about the threat within the Gladden Fields.  
“They made us repair the walls of the fort, and to work in the smithy, making weapons for the Orcs. They whipped us without reason, tortured us... they made us suffer for sport!”   “I don’t know how many Orcs there were. A great many. Perhaps a hundred or more. There were Men, too, not as many. And in the temple... there was something else, something horrible. It... was a watchful shadow. It hated us. It delighted in our torment.”   “On the north side of the rock, there is a stone building. They never let us see beyond its doors, but I heard whispers from within. The dead dwell there, I am sure of it! I do not know what evil they wreak there, but... please, no, don’t make me remember!”   “When I was repairing one of the side walls, I saw that there was a goat path down the side of the rock, on the far side from the main road. I waited for weeks until I had my chance. Two of the Orcs began quarrelling over typical Orcish things, and while they brawled, I jumped over the wall and climbed down the cliff. I nearly fell, but luck was with me, and I reached the bottom alive. A sentry spotted me, and I fled, and they have been on my heels ever since.”   "Thank you for rescuing me. Thank you."
  Walar was too exhausted to accompany the fellowship to The Dwimmerhorn and after a brief discussion about the risks of an attempted infiltration, they decided to try and escape Gladden Fields immediately and bring a warning to Hartfast and the merchants of Trader's Island before returning investigate further.   For four days, the group manage to evade Orcs and worse as they criss-crossed the Gladden Fields in search of the River Gladden. As mutterings about low food supplies began to dominate the sparse conversation, they finally stumble across the river and traverse East, meeting The Anduin in just a few more hours.   During the night the fellowship is approached by a determined and well-camouflaged Hobbits called Byrgol. He tells a sad tale of loss of the River Hobbits some fifteen years ago and his quest to reclaim the Gladden Fields for his folk. The fellowship convince the earnest chap to travel with them to warn the surrounding leaders of the threat in the marshes and he agrees to travel with the.  

Escape from the Marshes

  Unfortunately, one day after the appointed deadline for meeting the oarsmen, they decide to push on without them and plan to return to The Dwimmerhorn to mount a rescue later in the year. Leaving two innocent fishermen to the hands of the Orcs and worse gnaws at the fellowship as they clamber aboard a slow-moving barge traveling up The Anduin.  


  The walk along the banks of The Anduin towards Trader's Island is uneventful and they waste no time in issuing a warning to the concerned merchants in the strange market. The next day the party pushes on towards The Wolfswood and another warning for Hartfast.   At dusk on the third day out from Trader's Island Sigmarr spots some huge footprints in a broken moorland scene and the group decides to camp in a secluded area of brush and push on in the morning. As the steady rain pours down, everyone is silent with their thoughts, and the stolen glances are anxious and concerned. No warming fire for the party tonight...
Report Date
24 May 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location
SOURCE: Wolfshield Games

Episode 3


Episode 4


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Cover image: Land of Skyrim by Jonas De Ro


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