Magric Character in In the Shadow of the Mountains | World Anvil
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Tall, handsome and well-spoken for one of the Men of Wilderland, it is said there is Elvish blood in Magric’s family. He lives alone, hunting and trapping in the vales of the Gladden River. He comes to Mountain Hall each month or so to trade. He talks easily, laughs easily, and has an interest in all the doings of the wider world. Over the campfire, he is always curious about the homelands and the cultures of the people he travels with. He is an exceptionally skilled guide, and knows many travel songs to make the miles go quicker.   In Episode 3: In Search of The Dwimmerhorn Magric betrays the fellowship as they search for The Dwimmerhorn.
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Cover image: Land of Skyrim by Jonas De Ro


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