The Winding Road to Dale Report in In the Shadow of the Mountains | World Anvil
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The Winding Road to Dale

General Summary

Ill News on the Journey

The party plan their route to the Festival of the Five Armies very carefully. They agree to ride the length of Northern Mirkwood, around the top of the great forest in the foothills of the Grey Mountains, before dropping in to Dale across the Northern Dalelands.   The first 130 miles to the Old Forest Road are most invigorating and their spirits are good as the fellowship look forward to an evening with the hobbits at The Easterly Inn a few nights later. The only risk they encountered was a flock of massive ill-looking ravens - Crebain - which they managed to drive off with some accurate bow shots.   As they round the final banks above The Easterly Inn, stomachs sink as they realise something is very wrong. The once joyous Inn is little more than a shell. Broken and blackened timbers jut from the eaves into the evening sky like clasping fingers. There is no signs of life after a quick search, but Huan's nose and urgent barks attract the anxious party to an overgrown garden behind the inn, where a gruesome discovers awaits. The corpse of one of the hobbits lies forgotten and almost fully decomposed - three black feathered arrows protruding from the back.   There are no words that can be said and the fellowship set about the task of burying a friend. Despite much searching, the crew fails to discover any signs of who razed the Inn, and they remount and head the few miles to Rowanhold where they hope Gailavira can provide answers.   Gailavira confirms their fears. The undefended Inn was attacked in 2947 by a force of Orcs and Warg. Dody was the only Hobbits to escape to Rowanhold. He stayed for a few days only before departing for his ancestral home in The Shire.   The next stage of their journey, almost three hundred miles through the remote and unforgiving Grey Mountain Narrows, taxes the fellowship sorely. Their heavy hearts gain no respite from the forbidding scenery and days blur together into one log slog of walking with the horses through the grim surroundings. By the time they emerge in Northern Dalelands Hathus and Arahad are exhausted. The last few days slog to Dale are completed in near silence.  

Preparations for The Festival

  After a welcome bath and some hot food in The Drunkenstone Inn in the heart of Dale, the fellowship's spirits lift a little. Monin meets his brother Thronin in the Inn and describes the mine-works under Mountain Hall to the dwarf as a growing collection of mugs spreads across the table. Hathus is too tired to participate, and most of the crew have an early night.   In the morning, Sigmarr receives a curt message from his father and pays him a visit, and Monin goes to meet his own father in a Wealthy Tavern in the North District, where he reports on the potential for the old Dwarven Mine and changes some of the old Dwarven gold coins for current currency, assuring that the old gold will remain with the dwarves. Sigmarr has little to say to his father, but is given a letter, perhaps now a year old, from an old childhood friend.  
2947: Sigmarr, I hope your extended absence from Dale has not been in vain. Still hunting the gold that seemed so illusive when we were lads? Well, I'm still hunting, but we're now hunting for dragons not minnows. If you want to earn a share with some of the old crew, look me up in the Shipyard District in Esgaroth. I go by the name, 'The Eel' these days. Your friend Malliker.
  Once Hathus and Arahad surface, feeling much better, the group explore the Market Square, where many traders have set up stalls. Dale is a young kingdom, and one with coin to spend. The former Desolation of Smaug has bloomed and brought forth rich harvest after rich harvest. The Dwarves of the Lonely Mountain get most of the benefit of this new wealth, as the Bardings hire stonecutters and builders and artisans. The market brings many other treasures and wonders to Dale - clothing and jewellery from Esgaroth, leather and woodcraft from as far as Mirkwood, wine from Dorwinion, smithcraft from the Iron Hills.

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Many of the stalls offer toys, games or curiosities. Candied apples and figs, meat on sticks, ale, wine, dwarf-spirits, mead from the Elvenking's halls and all manner of delights are to be had. There are carvings and banners celebrating the victory at the Battle of Five Armies   The fellowship discovers that a Masked Ball will take place tonight, and acquire some suitable masks from one of the many vendors selling them.   The rest of the afternoon is spent enjoying watching the many and varied entertainment on offer. Sigmarr, convinced a jovial dwarf is fleecing his customers in a simple card game, spends a couple of hours using all his sleight-of-hand tricks to systematically win a purse of silver from the dwarf. By the end of the encounter, Sigmarr believes his initial suspicions about the fellow were misplaced, and he may have taken silver from an honest trader!  

The Opening Ceremony

  At twilight, a crowd gathers around the fountain commemorating the Fall of Smaug, in front of the Royal Palace. A procession of nobles and courtiers emerges from its great front gate, and is welcomed by cheers and shouts from all bystanders. The group is led by Dáin, King under the Mountain, and a trio of elven emissaries clad in green and gold; they are followed by the Master of Lake-town. Last, King Bard makes his appearance, followed by his most trusted counsellors, all archers who formerly served in his company when he was but a Captain in Esgaroth.   King Bard steps forward to address the crowd. His dwarf-wrought crown glitters in the light of many lanterns. His frame is as lean and hard as it was when he brought down the Dragon, but this night his grey eyes are alight with joy.  
"People of Wilderland!" he shouts. "Years ago we were strangers to each other, as we hid in shadows. We were afraid of a world where Dragons ruled and Orcs were free to plunder. Then, one day our worst fears came upon us, and threatened to bury us forever, together with our weaknesses and worries."
  The crowd grows silent, as an old man wrapped in cloak and hood emerges from among the king's counsellors and takes place by Bard's side. Bard continues his speech:  
"But then the clouds that darkened our days were torn by the wind, and a red sunset slashed the West. We fought together at the Battle of Five Armies, and we prevailed together. And today we are here to testify that since that day we stand united!"
  As the crowd erupts, the old man casts aside his hood and cloak, raising a tall staff: Gandalf the Grey has come to Dale! Suddenly, the staff of the wizard blazes forth with a flash, and behind the Royal Palace, the sky over Dale erupts with the most magical fireworks, bright enough to illuminate the flanks of the Mountain. Flowers and trees and candelabras and shooting stars, and then a flock of great golden eagles that burst like the dawn.   As the crowds disperse after the amazing display, the ageless wizard approaches the party with ill-news.  
"Many years ago I myself dared to pass the doors of the Necromancer in Dol Guldur for the second time, to secretly explore his ways. What I discovered in that occasion is not a matter that I will discuss here, but suffice it to say that I found the place to be even darker and oppressive than before. It seemed to me that a new power had allied itself with the Necromancer, and ruled the deeper pits of Dol Guldur."
"It was there that I found Thráin, the father of Thorin Oakenshield, wandering witless and near death in the blackest dungeons. I came too late, and he died before I could help him, but with his last words he uttered the name of his gaoler and tormentor: the Gibbet King."
"I fled that accursed place before the Necromancer could spy my presence, but I knew that my visit didn't go unnoticed. I felt the eyes of that dreadful lord of prisons upon me. The Gibbet King saw me, but seemed content to let me go."

Character(s) interacted with

Gandalf the Grey  King Bard
Report Date
27 Sep 2020
Primary Location

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Cover image: Land of Skyrim by Jonas De Ro


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