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The Spectral Library

Willwright's Spectral Library is a refuge for all seekers of knowledge and reflection. It was built in YA 46 just prior to the school's founding, by three of the founding members.


At its initial commission the library consisted of a single chamber containing the founders' personal collections, and was referred to as simply "The Library". It has since undergone a substantial amount of expansion, and was renamed in YA 89 when Claudia Kalpana, the first and only Head Librarian, was Bound to it.

Some have called Claudia's decision to be Bound "an ill-timed commitment" in light of the Necromaniac Tragedy having occured only a few years later, but of course there was no way for her to have known what would come. This unfortunate situation has prevented the school from relocating and avoiding animosity from the public.

Cultural Significance

For the people of Advarsel—having grown increasingly superstitious as time progressed—the Library is a place of dread whose "ghost librarian" invokes suspicion. But for scholars of Volition and other fields of science, it represents their solidarity in the pursuit of knowledge.

The Library isn't only concerned with endeavors related to Volition. A variety of other scientific texts can also be found here—notably those of zoological or agricultural nature, or in the fields of astronomy and mathematics.

A rare visit from an expert in one of these fields is a special occasion celebrated by the staff and students alike, and the school will often hold certain festivities to commemorate and honor their guest(s). While these individuals aren't as hated as Volitionists, all lovers of science are held in some degree of distrust by the general populace. The Library is a safe haven from the outside hostility.

Before the Necromaniac Tragedy in YA 93, the Spectral Library was closely associated with the Cartographers', Horticulturists', and Taxonomists' Guilds, but following the incident the latter groups have all but severed ties with the Library to preserve their social standing.


The center of academic activity outside of the classroom, the Spectral Library is the place to go for all of one's study needs. Copies of the most popular and useful volumes are available for student and visitor use, though some exceptionally delicate volumes are only available during Headmaster Jivika's readings.

One can find the original version of The Discoveries of Erris Solange in a display case, Urchadain's Bestiary, Chaudhri's Codex of Voltion, Drake's Voligenetic Compendium (and its predecessor, The Herbarium), as well as old journals and notes on experiments from prior Volitionists.

Claudia gives regular lectures at all hours of the day; she's also involved in developing new curricula and discussing academic affairs. Students gather around in hopes that she'll tell a story or answer some gnawing curiosity. As one of the first settlers born on Bwrdd Llosgydd, there are plenty of stories that only she can tell. Sometimes she bestows awards on students whose essays or experiments are particularly groundbreaking.

Due to her status as a Bound spirit, Claudia is always accessible—though often busy. Her unnaturally long lifespan has allowed her to serve the school for over one hundred years. During that time she's given advice to countless students, and kept company with the especially restless. Truly, the Spectral Library's Head Librarian stands at the core of its community.


Cedric and Marcella handle most of the organizational duties required to keep the Library in order; students fulfill the other maintenance issues primarily on a volunteer basis. Seeing as the Library is beloved by many, there's no shortage of people interested in caring for it, and thus it is rarely necessary to assign these tasks.


As one of the most promising Volitional healers in training, Ophelia considers the Library to be an invaluable resource. She is a frequent attendee to the lectures held therein, and routinely borrows experimental notes and study materials.

Known for disturbing the peace, Kasimir doesn't visit as often as he is encouraged to. He prefers things that are more fast-paced, and books can only be read as quickly as the user can read. All are welcome at the Library—even the rambunctious; though they are advised not to prevent others from studying.

Zephyrine is both the youngest and the wealthiest student at Willwright. Having come from an affluent family, his decision to pursue Volition was quite the surprise. His area of study has been focused on the effect(s) of Volition on physical objects, with a goal of producing Volition-supporting trinkets.

Faculty & Staff

Head Librarian
"Believe it or not, I've spent more time as a young woman than as an old one."

Claudia is preserved as a ghost-like entity which can converse freely, but is confined—or Bound—to a physical location. If she takes form beyond the faintly glowing Mote that characterizes all spirits, she resembles herself at the moment she felt most fulfilled. She was, or rather still is, a very accomplished Volitionist, so she is often surrounded by flocks of enthusiastic students wanting to hear her thoughts and insights.


Though Claudia retains the title of Head Librarian even after her "death", given she has no physical body most of the duties associated with the title are done by Cedric and Marcella. Duties include sorting texts in the Spectral Library by Grade and loaning them to students whom meet the reading requirements.

Other Information

Founding Date
YA 46
Educational, Library
Ruling Organization
Parent Organization


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Sep 16, 2024 04:26

What an interesting idea :) I love the use of "Bound" to describe the connection with the librarian, especially as it relates to books, which are bound. Well done

Sep 16, 2024 04:43

I would love to say that I did that intentionally, but it didn't event come to mind. XD Unintentional puns FTW!

Sep 16, 2024 07:42 by Mochi

I LOVE this article!! It's so cute and wholesome and I love that it's a little safe haven for students. I'd love to meet Claudia and hear her stories :D

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my Institutes of Learning Challenge entry!
Sep 16, 2024 07:51

Thank you! :D It means so much to hear that from you!

Sep 16, 2024 09:05

Well organized light read. I like the list of significant volumes.

Sep 16, 2024 17:50

Thanks! :D