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Written by CoolG1319

The Beasts are a classification of Fire Demons residing in Qada Agir, more specifically, the Beasts region, and are known for their hostility and unfriendliness towards any living thing they come across. Their bodies have different animal parts, giving them an odd but terrifying appearance.


Canine Beasts

Mainly have features of dogs, wolves, foxes and other canines. Possess strong, muscular bodies, sharp, well-developed canines and a keen sense of smell. Are either carnivores or omnivores.

Avian Beasts

Mainly have features of birds. Possess feathers with males usually having bright, colourful plumage and females having duller colours, keen vision, excellent flying abilities, hard beaks or bills and strong yet lightweight skeletons. Can be carnivores, herbivores or omnivores.

Feline Beasts

Mainly have features of cats, tigers, lions, panthers and other felines. Possess slender, powerful and slender bodies, sharp claws and teeth, acute sight and hearing and whiskers. Are usually carnivores.

Aquatic Beasts

Mainly has features of fish and other aquatic animals. Possess streamlined bodies for easy swimming, gills (though some have lungs), strong fins dorsal fins, pectoral fins, caudal fins etc, blowholes for some and scales. Can be carnivores, herbivores or omnivores.

Basic Information


Beasts possess body parts of different animals like dogs, cats, bears, snakes, bats, etc. This causes them to look like strange, and, at times disturbing, amalgamation of different animals. They are either bipedal or quadrupedal.

Genetics and Reproduction

Methods of reproduction and gestation period depend on the animal reproductive system a Beast possesses.

Ecology and Habitats

The Beasts prefer to live in the dark expansive network of caves they call home, but some of them that aren't fully built for the dark choose to spend most of their time outside.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Dietary needs depend on the type of digestive system, jaw shape and types of teeth they have. For instance, Beasts with the teeth structure of carnivores (long sharp front teeth and narrow and serrated back teeth) mainly consume meat and flesh while those with the teeth structure of herbivores (sharp incisors, wide flat molars and no canines) mainly consume plants.

Their hunting methods depend on their anatomy and body shape.


In general, they are extremely aggressive and hostile towards anyone and anything they come across and some attack, maul and tear up anything that annoys them.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The other Beasts use the Primitive Beasts in strenuous work, like transporting heavy cargo, erecting tall structures and operating machinery.

Facial characteristics

Facial shape and features depend on the animal head they possess.

Average Intelligence

The Beasts are segregated into three classes based on intelligence: Advanced Beasts, Simple Beasts and Primitive Beasts. Advanced Beasts can hold intelligent conversations, capable of discerning emotions and are adept at understanding new concepts. Simple Beasts can hold fairly strong conversations but are not fully adept at understanding social cues, often causing them to make a fool out of themself. They usually speak in broken sentences. Primitive Beasts cannot comprehend any form of speech and are very animal in nature, that is, they can only communicate in growls, grunts, roars, screeches and squeals.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Not all Beasts sense their environment equally due to the variations in animal body parts they possess. For instance, Beasts with rabbit or dog ears have a keener sense of hearing than those who don't, those with the general build of felines are faster and more agile, and those with gills, fish tails or streamlined aquatic bodies are more adept at swimming, etc.

Special abilities vary slightly, but in general, Beasts have powers related to fire and lava (owing to them being Fire Demons).

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Those who can speak mainly use English, though others use human languages like Russian and Italian. They also know a few words of Fhcha.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The Beasts have a great disdain for the succubi, often disregarding them as "useless whores" or refusing to acknowledge them. They are incredibly hostile towards the succubi and often harm and assault them.
If you know what's good for ya, you'd get the hell out of my sight before I tear your wings off, damn whore!
— A Beast threatening a succubus
Some Beasts are nice to them but they are very few.

If there's anything the Beasts hate more than the succubi, it's the Blights. They often have to deal with the mischievous demons' pranks and quippy insults whenever the two Fire Demons interact. The Beasts hate the child Blights the most because their pranks are the worst and often scare and threaten them when they can.
The Beast, covered in dung, grabbed the child Blight by its head and raised it to her face. The child trembled and shook as the livid Beast growled in a low but intimidating tone, "Listen here you little shit. Don't think that because you're a kid you can do whatever the fuck you want and not be punished", she squeezed the child's head with her long, sharp talons and the Blight squealed in pain, small tears of lilac fire sitting in its eyes. "If I were in a bad mood, I'd rip your stupid head off and feed it to Gnesred; he looooves eating troublesome shits like you", the child trembled more and began to cry. She coldly stared at the sobbing child and continued, "But, I'm in a good mood today, despite being covered in shit, so I'll just let you off with a friendly warning:", she hardened her grip on the child's head, "stay out of my damn sight and if I see you or the rest of your annoying buddies, you will wish your mother threw you into a bottomless pit after you were born!" With that, the Beast heartlessly threw the wailing child to the ground and stomped off.

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Qada Agir 
Scientific Name
Debul faya baest
100-700 years
Average Height
2-13 feet
Average Weight
20-750 lbs
Average Length
Up to 15 feet
Average Physique
Beasts are generally very fit, strong and agile, though specific physiques vary individually.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
All Beasts have black or darker colours of skin, fur, feathers and scales, with accents of other hues like cyan, orange, yellow and red.
Geographic Distribution


Author's Notes

This is a work in progress; more will come soon!

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