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The mischievous and spiteful Blights are a classification of Fire Demons that reside in Qada Agir, specifically, the Blights Region. These creatures are notorious for irritating every living creature they come across for fun and are pretty rude and unpleasant.

Basic Information


Their bodies are made of pure fire; no organs, no skeleton, no muscles, nothing, only fire. Due to them living in an environment where the average temperature is 1,300°C (2,372°F), they evolved lacking organs, bones and muscles as they wouldn't fare well with the extreme heat. Their body temperature closely matches that of their home and serves as a means of protection from threats.

Genetics and Reproduction

The process of birthing a child is as follows: two Blights (their sex doesn't matter) come together and fly in a tight circle as fast as they can. They then abruptly stop and one Blight throws up a giant fireball and the other Blight eats it. They fly in a circle once more. After about an hour, they abruptly stop again and the Blight who swallowed the fireball regurgitates it and from there, a baby is born.
You think it's gross? It gets the job done and we don't have to grow an entire creature inside us like weirdos.
— After you expressed disgust over this process

Growth Rate & Stages

  1. Baby (0 to 2 years)
  2. Small enough to fit in your palm. They can crawl around and sit up without aid but only communicate in screeches and cries.
  3. Child (2 to 60 years)
  4. Very hyperactive and have grown big enough to grab onto and hang from your arm. A constant eye must be kept on them as they can't fully control their powers and often pull dumb pranks on others.
  5. Youngster (60 to 400 years)
  6. Less hyperactive but still cause mischief. At this stage, they begin to master their powers and slowly become more independent.
  7. Adult (400 to 2000+ years)
  8. Have full control of their abilities and are completely independent. At this point, they are expected to make their own nest and find a mate.

Ecology and Habitats

The creatures dig into the brimstone wall surrounding their home and smoothen the hole's insides, thus creating a nest. Its size depends on the number of Blights planning to stay in it; up to 10 can live in a nest. Other nests can built adjacent to a single one to form "rooms".

Dietary Needs and Habits

" don't eat? At all?"
"How do you stay alive then?"
"We're made of long-lasting fire.
They extuinguish 2000 years after we're born."
"Okay, how do you gain energy?"
"From our body."
"We're made of fire. Fire gives out lots of energy.
Jeez, aren't you humans supposed to be smart?

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

They have very similar facial features: big, round eyes, no nose, fanged mouths and pointed chins. As usual there are variations, like smaller, slanted eyes, mouths with one or no fangs and rounder or square chins. Facial features/expressions are either owl-like, dog-like or cat-like.

Average Intelligence

Blights can flawlessly understand and utilise foreign items and technologies after seeing them in action. Not only that, but they are also able to imitate a wide range of voices and sounds providing that they have heard them enough times. The more devious ones master acting to better fool their victims and make them fall for whatever prank they're planning.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Due to them being Fire Demons, Blights have abilities related to fire and lava. However, compared to Beasts and Succubi, their powers have a shorter range of uniqueness. Even at that, one ability sets Blights apart from the other Fire Demons: Body Burst is where they fuel their flames to enlarge them to up to three times their original size and increase their temperature to ward off threats.

Civilization and Culture

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Blight children and youngsters get a kick out of constantly annoying the  Beasts every time the two demons interact, finding the Beasts' irritated yells and cussing hilarious. They could purposely pluck out their feathers or fur, set fire to their tails and even pour dung on them. As a result, the Beasts often scare and threaten the kids whenever they are approached.

On the flip side, the Blights are much nicer towards the Succubi, often hanging out with them and leaving their kids to play with them. The Succubi are always thrilled about looking after the children as they find them adorable, though others think they're bothersome as the lustful demons aren't spared from pranks.

Related Articles

Qada Agir 
Scientific Name
Debul faya blighs
2500 years
Average Height
4.3 feet - 7.8 feet
Average Weight
Do they have weight....?
Average Physique
These creatures are quite thin and lanky but there are slight variations with some being a bit rounder or wider.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The most common body pigments are green and yellow while every other colours are less common. White, grey and black tints never occur. Quite often, Blights with colours like red, pink, purple and teal are considered female while those who are blue, orange, yellow and green are regarded as male (note: Blights are sexless).
Geographic Distribution
Copper-Badge [img:5650241] by Blue Fairy 74


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Aug 21, 2024 17:21 by Stormbril

First off, congrats again on the copper win, and I'm glad your first summer camp was awesome! :D   I love these little blights so much omg. The quotes throughout the article give such character and life to them, a truly wonderful splash of colour to the article! Which, speaking of colour, the really vibrant art did a great job of immediately grabbing my attention and getting me to read the article to find out more. Got a laugh out of "Average Weight: Do they have weight....?" too, haha.     I'm adding this to my reading challenge as well!

Aug 21, 2024 17:50 by CoolG


Explore the dark and mysterious Inferncenem, the bright and wonderful Caelumen or the magical and fantastical Ysteria   Have a good one!   Feel free to check out my Substack: CoolG's Awesome Worlds! Join the Discord and chat with like-minded people!
Aug 22, 2024 19:55 by Alan Byers

They're so cute! If I gave one a headpat, would my hand burn?

Aug 22, 2024 20:03 by CoolG

Yes, unless you're equipped with these!

Explore the dark and mysterious Inferncenem, the bright and wonderful Caelumen or the magical and fantastical Ysteria   Have a good one!   Feel free to check out my Substack: CoolG's Awesome Worlds! Join the Discord and chat with like-minded people!