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Qada Agir (kuh-DAH uh-GEER)


Qada Agir (Fire Zone in English) is a large territory occupied by the Fire Demons; it is split into three regions:

Beasts Region

A deep, dark expansive network of caves and caverns bordered by tall iron gates. It is home to the feral and dangerous Beasts.

Succubus Region

A bright, lush colourful meadow filled with trees and large berry bushes which are also the border. It houses the seductive but amicable Succubi.

Blights Region

A deep pit of eternal fire with large "nests" carved into the side of the brimstone wall which also acts as the border. This place houses the mischievous and spiteful Blights.

In the centre of Qada Agir is a raised stone ledge where important meetings and discussions are held, disputes are settled and agreements on various matters are made.


Varies wildly in each region: the Beasts Region is a deep, dark expansive cavern, the Succubus Region is a lush, colourful meadow and the Blights Region is a pit of hostile fires.

Ecosystem Cycles

It varies slightly between each region. The only constants are no migrations, hibernations or seasonal changes.

Localized Phenomena

Qada Agir is a very strange place because its three regions have completely different ecosystems, climates and natural resources.


Though it differs in each region, the climate (in general) is very hot and humid, with no wind or rain.

Natural Resources

From the Beasts Region
  • Agiperkhi
  • Stone, wood, metal
  • Fur, feathers, scales, meat
  • Fire
  • Much, much more
  From the Succubus Region
  • Leaves, fruits and sap from the fruit-bearing tree
  • Berries from the colourful bushes
  From the Blights Region
  • None

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Quick Peek

Area: 1,023,089 sq ft (95048 sq. metres)

Inhabiting Species: Beast, Succubus and Blights.

Population: 1000 Fire Demons (738 Beasts, 100 Succubi and 162 Blights)

Environmental Condition: Inhospitably hot and humid

Average Temperature: 720°C (1328°F)


  • Qada Agir
    Qada Agir (Fire Zone in English) is a large territory occupied by the Fire Demons; it is split into three regions, one inhabited by each class of fire demon: Beasts, Succubus and Blights.
Alternative Name(s)
Fire Zone / Ring of Fire
Included Locations
Inhabiting Species

Cover image: Qada Agir by CoolG1319


Author's Notes

This is a work in progress. More will come soon :)  

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