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Creation of Inferncenem

Written by CoolG1319



The creation of Inferncenem and Caelumen began as a friendly competition between Ameuses and Zutnebas to see who could create a better world for intelligent creatures and their wives would be the judges. Their wives gave them just seven days to create a world so they quickly got to work.

Ameuses created Caelumen using clouds, soft linen, precious metals like gold, silver and bronze and gems like rubies, sapphires, emeralds and opals. Meanwhile, Zutnebas fashioned Inferncenem out of fire, brimstone and various metals like iron, lead and copper.


The creation of Inferncenem occurred in four stages, one for the first four days:
Day 1
Zutnebas used brimstone to transform the void beneath the Earth into a large expanse of barren land. He then spread fire across the land to brighten it.

Day 2
Zutnebas dug out canals stretching miles along the ground and giant craters, fashioned lava using the existing fire and some stone and used the molten mixture to fill in the canals and craters, forming lava rivers, streams, ponds and oceans. He also erected mountains, hills and volcanoes.

Day 3
Zutnebas looked across His creation and was unsatisfied with how empty and boring it looked, so He added some vegetation. Taking the embers and ashes of the fires, He spread them far and wide across the world. Wherever they landed, grass of various hues grew. Then, He pulled out twelve of his teeth, buried them in different places and watered them with his sweat. Eventually, large meadows grew from the spots.

Day 4
Satisfied with adding vegetation, Zutnebas concluded it was time to include sentient creatures. Using bits of His flesh, blood, hair and metals like iron, lead, nickel, copper and tungsten, He created the first demons. He used iron and tungsten for their bones, copper for their hearts and blood vessels, nickel for their horns and lead for their claws. Zutnebas then filled their empty blood vessels with His blood and covered the exposed figure with His flesh and hair. When all was said and done, He gave the inanimate vessels life by throwing them into lava.

Days 5-7
Zutnebas spent the remaining three days adding other features like acid lakes using His spit and structures of liquid nitrogen using His ice-cold breath. He also added wings, tails and facial features to the demons and taught them how to talk, walk and worship Him.

By the seventh and last day, Zutnebas had finished His work and admired it. Immensely pleased, He named the realm "Inferncenem", a name derived from "inferno".


Ameuses' wife and Zutnebas' wife travelled through each realm and admired all their unique features. After roaming around, they returned to their husbands and declared Ameuses as the winner. Zutnebas was very bitter about that but begrudgingly accepted defeat.

Historical Basis

The myth emerged when Zutnebas narrated the process of creating Inferncenem to the first demons, who then orally passed on the story to their children, who passed it to their children and so on.


The myth is common knowledge to every educated being in Inferncenem.

Variations & Mutation

Small details about the myth change depending on who you ask. Some say that Zutnebas' wife assisted Him in creating Inferncenem, others say that after losing to Ameuses, Zutnebas plotted to wreak havoc on Caelumen. Then there are those, particularly the religious fanatics, who believe that Zutnebas' true intention for making Inferncenem was to eventually overthrow Ameuses.

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    Ameuses and Zutnebas have a Contest
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    Ameuses and Zutnebas had a friendly contest to see who could create a better world for intelligent creatures.

  • 1e Renbendan 9999 BA
    Day 1
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Zutnebas used brimstone to transform the void beneath the Earth into a large expanse of land. He then spread fire across the land to brighten it.

  • 2e Renbendan 9999 BA
    Day 2
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    Zutnebas dug out long canals and giant craters, fashioned lava using the existing fire and some stone and used the molten mixture to fill in the canals and craters, forming lava rivers, streams, ponds and oceans. He also erected mountains, hills and volcanoes.

  • 3e Renbendan 9999 BA
    Day 3
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Zutnebas added vegetation. Grass grew from the embers and ashes of the fires He spread far and wide across the world and trees and plants sprouted from twelve of His teeth buried in various places.

  • 4e Renbendan 9999 BA
    Day 4
    Celestial / Cosmic

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  • 5e-7e Renbendan 9999 BA
    Days 5-7
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Zutnebas added other features like acid lakes using His spit and structures of liquid nitrogen using His ice-cold breath. He also added wings, tails and facial features to the demons and taught them how to talk, walk and worship Him.

  • 8e Renbendan 9999 BA
    Zutnebas Loses the Contest
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    Ameuses was declared the winner by His wife and Zutnebas' wife. Zutnebas was very bitter about that but begrudgingly accepted defeat.


Author's Notes

All images are original works of the author (though some are traces of Google images or AI art generated by the author)   © CoolG1319 All rights reserved.   Powered by World Anvil

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