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Court of the Withered

The Fae Court of perpetual fall is a chilling and eerie realm where the leaves of trees are always in hues of orange, red, and brown, and the air is filled with the scent of decay. The court is ruled by the Withered Patriarch, a ruthless and cruel leader who uses his unique abilities to fuse corpses with necro-botany and create an army of terrifying creatures. The court embraces death and decay as a natural part of life, and they see beauty in the rotting of flesh and the withering of leaves.   The court's most notable feature is the blood farm, where the high fae extract blood from their enemies and prisoners, and fuse their corpses to trees. The trees slowly consume the bodies, while the high fae perform their dark rituals. The court worships Arawn - God of Death, the god of the underworld, and their culture is a twisted reflection of his realm.   The fae of this court are power-hungry and corrupt, and they constantly vie for control over each other. The court is notorious for its spies and assassins, who use their skills to manipulate and eliminate their rivals. The court is a place of darkness and danger, where one must always be on guard. The fae here are skilled in the arts of deception, and they use their abilities to gain power and control over others.   In this court, life and death are intertwined, and the fae see no difference between the two. The court is a place of decay and corruption, where the only way to survive is to be as ruthless and cunning as the fae themselves.


The organizational structure of this court is be highly hierarchical and based on power and influence. At the top is the Withered Patriarch, who rules with an iron fist and has the final say on all matters. Below him is a group of high-ranking fae, the Council of Shadows, who are responsible for overseeing different aspects of the court's operations, such as the blood farm, military, espionage, and diplomacy.   Beneath the high-ranking fae are the lower-ranking fae, who are responsible for carrying out the orders of their superiors. This includes soldiers, spies, assassins, and other servants of the court. These lower-ranking fae are ranked based on their skills and loyalty, and those who are most skilled and loyal are given more important tasks and privileges.   There is a system of rewards and punishments in place to ensure that the fae remain loyal and obedient to their superiors. Those who excel in their duties and show loyalty to the court are rewarded with promotions and other privileges, while those who fail or show disloyalty are punished harshly, including being sentenced to the blood farm.   Overall, the organizational structure of this court is highly authoritarian and centered on maintaining the power of the ruling class. The fae in this court are driven by a ruthless desire for power and control, and they stop at nothing to achieve their goals.


The culture of this Fae Court is centered around death, decay, and the acceptance of these as natural stages of life. The fae believe that everything has a cycle of life, death, and rebirth, and that the decay of one thing is necessary for the growth and renewal of another. This belief is reflected in their art, music, and literature, which often explore themes of mortality and decay.   The Fae Court also reveres Arawn - God of Death, the god of the underworld, and much of their culture is influenced by his realm. They see death as a necessary part of the natural order and believe that those who die become part of the land and are essential to the continued growth and renewal of life. There are two main religions in this court. The main religion practiced by most is known as The Circle of Eternal Death. The other is practiced in secret and is called The Circle of Guiding Light.   The court's main deity aside, their customs are often dark and macabre. As previously mentioned, prisoners and enemies are executed and their corpses are fused to trees in the blood farm, where their blood is extracted and used in rituals. The fae here also practice necro-botany, the art of fusing plants with corpses, to create terrifying creatures that serve as their army.   The Fae Court is also known for their spies and assassins, who use their skills to manipulate and eliminate their rivals. This has given rise to a culture of deception and manipulation, where one must always be on guard and trust no one completely.   Their art and music often reflect their appreciation of decay and death, with somber and melancholic tones dominating their works. They see beauty in the withering of leaves and the slow decay of flesh, and this appreciation is reflected in their artistic expression.   Overall, the culture of this Fae Court is one of darkness, macabre customs, and the acceptance of death and decay as natural stages of life. They revere Arawn and his realm, and see beauty in the natural cycles of life and death.

Public Agenda

The public agenda of this Fae Court is centered around maintaining their power and influence over the surrounding lands. They present themselves as a force for stability and order, and use their spies, assassins, and army of necro-botanical creatures to eliminate any potential threats to their rule.   Their motivations behind their actions are driven by a desire for power, control, and domination. They seek to expand their territory, extract resources from neighboring lands, and eliminate any rivals or enemies who pose a threat to their power. They also have a desire to spread their culture and way of life to other lands, viewing themselves as superior to other cultures that do not accept the natural cycle of life, death, and decay.   The Withered Patriarch, as the leader of the court, is motivated by a desire to maintain his own power and control over the court and its subjects. He uses his unique abilities with necro-botany to create new and more powerful creatures, which he uses to further solidify his hold on the court and its subjects.   Overall, the motivations of the Fae Court are centered around maintaining and expanding their power and influence, and they will use any means necessary to achieve these goals.


The assets of this Fae Court are primarily based on their control over the surrounding land and its resources. They have access to valuable minerals and ores, such as iron and copper, which they use to create weapons and other tools. However, they do not place as much value on precious metals like silver and gold, as their culture is focused more on the cycle of life and death rather than material wealth.   In terms of buildings, the Fae Court has fortresses and strongholds made from the surrounding natural materials, such as wood, stone, and other organic materials. These structures are fortified with traps and other defensive measures, as the court is surrounded by enemies and rivals.   The Fae Court's army is composed primarily of their necro-botanical creations, which are made by fusing plant matter with corpses. These creatures are highly effective in combat, as they are resilient and can be created to have a wide range of abilities and strengths.   In addition to their necro-botanical army, the Fae Court also has a network of spies and assassins who carry out covert operations against their enemies. These agents are highly skilled and have access to a range of tools and equipment to help them carry out their tasks.   As for ships and horses, the Fae Court does not place as much emphasis on these assets, as they do not have a significant naval or cavalry force. However, they have some horses for transportation and scouting, and they have access to boats and other watercraft for traveling along the rivers and waterways of the surrounding land.   Overall, the wealth and assets of this Fae Court are primarily based on their control over the land and its resources, as well as their powerful necro-botanical army and network of spies and assassins. They do not place as much value on precious metals and other traditional forms of wealth, as their culture is focused more on the natural cycles of life and death.


The history of this Fae Court is shrouded in mystery and darkness. It is said that long ago, this land was ruled by a powerful fae king who was beloved by his subjects. However, when he died, his son took the throne and quickly became corrupt and cruel.   The son was said to have made a deal with dark forces in order to gain power and extend his life. It is believed that this deal gave him the ability to control and manipulate plant matter, which he used to create his powerful necro-botanical army.   As the years passed, the @pat, as he came to be known, became increasingly cruel and corrupt, using his powers to eliminate anyone who posed a threat to his rule. He is said to have executed countless subjects, fusing their bodies to trees in his blood farms in order to extract their blood for use in his dark rituals.   Over time, the Fae Court became known for its powerful spies and assassins, who carried out the will of the Patriarch and helped him maintain his grip on power. The court also became a center for dark magic and necromancy, with many dark practitioners flocking to the court in order to gain power and influence.   Despite the Patriarch's cruelty and corruption, the court remained a powerful force in the region, feared and respected by all who knew of its existence. The Patriarch continued to rule with an iron fist, his power growing ever stronger as he discovered new ways to fuse plant matter and corpses together to create ever-more powerful creatures.   The history of this Fae Court is a dark and twisted tale of corruption and cruelty, and it is said that even to this day, the Patriarch continues to rule with an iron fist, his power growing stronger with each passing day.

Demography and Population

The population of this Fae Court is primarily made up of dark and corrupt fae who are drawn to the court's twisted and macabre culture. The population is divided into various territories, each of which is ruled by a loyal advisor or commander of the Patriarch. The population is also divided by social class, with the Patriarch and his inner circle at the top, followed by the advisors, commanders, soldiers, and other citizens.


The territories in the Court of the Withered are primarily ancestral lands passed down through generations. The court has not aggressively sought to expand its borders, but rather focuses on maintaining and strengthening its hold on its current territories. Some of the territories may have been forcefully taken in the past, but the current leadership prioritizes stability and does not engage in active colonization or assimilation of neighboring lands. However, the court is fiercely protective of its territories and will not hesitate to use force to defend them if necessary.


The standing army of the Court of the Withered is known as the "Immortal Legion." Comprised of soldiers who have undergone the necro-botanical enhancements, they possess formidable strength and durability in battle. Their physical form has been transformed, making them almost immortal, with the ability to regenerate lost limbs and heal from almost any injury.   Due to their unique nature, the Immortal Legion is essentially infinite in number. Fallen soldiers on the battlefield can be reanimated and brought back into the ranks, as long as their corpses are not destroyed. In addition, the Court of the Withered has developed the ability to create new soldiers from scratch, using the necro-botanical magic to grow them from specially cultivated seed pods.   The Immortal Legion is fiercely loyal to the Court of the Withered, and their unwavering dedication to the patriarch has made them a feared force on the battlefield. They are equipped with a range of weapons, including swords, spears, and bows, all of which have been specially crafted to enhance their deadly abilities.   As for the territories, the Court of the Withered controls a vast swath of land, mostly acquired through conquest and colonization. The ancestral lands of the court are now augmented by a network of colonies and territories that stretch across the continent. While there is still some resistance from native populations, the military might of the Immortal Legion has largely quashed any attempts at rebellion.


The Court of the Withered would have a monolithic, state-sponsored religion that promotes their twisted ideas called The Circle of Eternal Death.   The other main faith would be a minority religion practiced in secret called The Circle of Guiding Light.

Foreign Relations

The Court of the Withered has a tenuous relationship with the other courts due to their dark and macabre practices. However, they are able to maintain trade relationships through the global market, a neutral territory where all courts can trade goods and services. Despite this, they still maintain their edge in battle through their unique necro-botanical creations and magic, which they guard fiercely. The Court of the Withered keeps mostly to themselves, preferring to focus on their cultivation of crops and livestock that thrive in decaying environments.


In the Court of the Withered, the laws primarily revolve around the concept of power and control. The patriarch holds absolute power and is the sole authority when it comes to making and enforcing laws. The court follows a strict hierarchy where power and authority are earned through service and loyalty to the patriarch.   There are severe punishments for disobedience, disloyalty, or betrayal, with the most severe being execution and the use of the blood farm for ritualistic purposes. The court also has laws regarding the use and practice of necro-botany, as it is considered the key to the court's power and security.   In addition to these internal laws, the Court of the Withered also has rules governing their interactions with other courts and factions. These laws require the court to maintain a certain level of secrecy and discretion, especially when it comes to their necro-botanical creations and their abilities. They are also prohibited from engaging in unauthorized attacks or betrayals of other courts unless ordered to do so by the patriarch or by the high council of fae.   The law of preservation: It is illegal to waste or destroy any resources that could be used for the benefit of the court, including crops, livestock, and other natural resources. Violators of this law may face severe punishment, up to and including exile.   The law of subservience: All citizens are required to show complete obedience and respect to the ruling patriarch, as he is believed to possess the power of life and death over his subjects. Any act of rebellion or defiance will be punished severely.   The law of the dead: The use of necromancy is strictly regulated and can only be practiced by licensed necromancers under the supervision of the patriarch. Unauthorized use of necromancy is punishable by death.   The law of the harvest: All farmers and ranchers are required to contribute a portion of their crops and livestock to the court as tribute. Failure to do so may result in fines or confiscation of property.   The law of isolation: Travel outside the borders of the court is heavily restricted, and any foreigners entering the court must be approved by the patriarch. Unauthorized outsiders are viewed with suspicion and may be subject to interrogation or even imprisonment.

Embrace decay, for it is the only constant in life

Geopolitical, Country
Leader Title
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Mixed economy
The Blood Marshes: The court's capital city is located in the heart of a vast swamp that stretches for miles in every direction. The swamp is thick and dark, with twisted trees and gnarled branches that seem to reach out like grasping fingers.   Patriarch's Tower: A massive fortress built from black stone that rises above the surrounding swamp. The tower is nearly impregnable, with walls that are ten feet thick and guards that are fiercely loyal to the Patriarch.   Blood Farms: A series of fields filled with twisted trees that have been fused with the corpses of the dead. Prisoners are often tied to these trees, and their blood is drained slowly over time in order to fuel the dark magic of the Patriarch and his followers.   Hidden Villages and Outposts: These are located deep in the swamp and are guarded fiercely by the court's soldiers. They are used to train the court's spies and assassins.   Trade Routes and Ports: The court controls several important trade routes and ports along the coast. These ports are used to import goods and materials from other lands, and to export the court's own twisted creations, such as necro-botanical creatures and dark magic artifacts.   Bleeding Forest: A forest of bleeding trees is a mysterious and eerie place, where the trees appear to be constantly weeping dark red sap, resembling blood. The ground is often covered in a layer of crimson leaves, and the air is heavy with the scent of iron. The trees themselves have gnarled and twisted branches, with sharp thorns protruding from their trunks. The forest is often shrouded in mist or fog, making it difficult to navigate and adding to its eerie atmosphere. The origins of this phenomenon are unknown, and many travelers avoid the forest due to its unsettling appearance and reputation for being haunted.   The Dead Forest: A forest of dead trees is a haunting sight to behold. The trees are dried up and lifeless, stripped of their leaves and bark. Their branches are twisted and bare, resembling skeletal arms reaching out for something that is no longer there. The ground beneath the trees is barren, with no signs of life or growth. The silence in the forest is eerie and unsettling, broken only by the sound of the wind whispering through the empty branches. It feels as if the forest is a place where life has been extinguished, and only death remains.   The Field of Crimson Blades: The ancient battleground is a haunting sight, permanently soaked in blood and the remnants of war. The ground is littered with rusted weapons and armor, and the trees surrounding the area are twisted and gnarled, as if they bear witness to the atrocities that were committed there. The air is thick with the stench of death, and the sky seems to perpetually hang in a somber gray hue, as if mourning the lives that were lost. The very earth beneath your feet feels heavy with the weight of the past, and it is said that the spirits of the fallen soldiers still linger there, their anguished cries echoing through the ages.   Overall, the geographical features of this court are dark, twisted, and steeped in decay and death. The swamp is the central location of the court, and its twisted trees and gnarled branches create a foreboding and unsettling atmosphere. The Patriarch's Tower serves as a symbol of his power and dominance, while the Blood Farms are a reminder of the court's cruelty and twisted beliefs. The hidden villages and outposts are strategically placed to train and protect the court's spies and assassins, and the trade routes and ports allow the court to import and export goods and materials to sustain its power and influence.
Legislative Body
In this Fae Court, the laws and rules are written by the Patriarch and his inner circle of advisors The Circle of Eternal Death. They have complete control over the court's legal system, and their decisions are final. The Patriarch's word is law, and anyone who goes against him or his decrees faces severe punishment. The court's legal system is therefore designed to maintain the Patriarch's power and control over the court's citizens, and to ensure that his rule is absolute. The laws and rules of this court reflect the Patriarch's belief in decay and death as a natural part of life, and they embody the court's twisted and dark culture.
Judicial Body
The interpretation and enforcement of the laws of this Fae Court is the responsibility of the Patriarch's loyal followers, including his advisors and commanders, as well as his standing army. The Patriarch's word is considered final and absolute, and those who defy his decrees or disobey his orders can expect severe punishment. The Patriarch's advisors and commanders are responsible for interpreting his laws and enforcing them in the court's territories, while the standing army is responsible for carrying out his will through force, if necessary. The court's spies and assassins also play a role in enforcing the laws of the court by identifying and eliminating any potential threats to the Patriarch's power. Overall, the interpretation and enforcement of the laws in this court are carried out by those who are loyal to the Patriarch and his twisted vision for the court.
Executive Body
The enforcement of the laws of this Fae Court is primarily the responsibility of the Patriarch's standing army, which is composed of the corpses of fallen soldiers fused with necro-botanical enhancements. These soldiers are fiercely loyal to the Patriarch and will carry out his orders without question. In addition to the army, the court also employs spies and assassins to enforce its laws, identify potential threats to the Patriarch's power, and eliminate them. The Patriarch's inner circle of advisors and commanders also have some authority in enforcing the laws of the court in their respective territories. Ultimately, however, the Patriarch's word is law, and any deviation from his decrees is met with severe punishment. The enforcement of the laws of this court is therefore carried out by those who are loyal to the Patriarch and his twisted vision for the court.


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