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The Circle of Eternal Death

According to the lore of the Court of the Withered, the Circle of Eternal Death was founded by the first High Priestess of Arawn. She was a powerful and ambitious woman who sought to unite the people of the court under the banner of death and eternal power.   She preached that death was not the end, but a doorway to a higher existence. Through the worship of Arawn and the practice of dark rituals, she promised her followers eternal life and power in the afterlife.   At first, her message was met with skepticism and fear. The people of the court were deeply superstitious, and the idea of worshipping the god of death in this way was terrifying to many. But over time, the High Priestess gained followers and established a small cult dedicated to the dark worship of Arawn.   Over time, the Circle of Eternal Death grew in influence and power, and its members became some of the most feared and respected figures in the court. They amassed great wealth and resources, and used them to advance their own agenda and further their control over the court.   While the Circle of Eternal Death is the main religion of the Court of the Withered, the Council of Shadows still chooses to meet in secret for various reasons. They discuss sensitive and confidential matters that they do not wish to be known to the general public, and they want to maintain an air of mystery and exclusivity around their meetings to increase their power and influence. Additionally, even though the Circle of Eternal Death is the main religion, there still are individuals within the court who do not agree with or support their beliefs, so the council wants to keep their meetings private to avoid potential opposition or criticism.   The Patriarch of the Court of the Withered is aware of the Council of Shadows and their meetings. The council serves as the leading body of the Circle of Eternal Death, but they still answer to the Patriarch and are subject to his authority. However, there are some members of the council who have ambitions to overthrow the Patriarch and seize power for themselves.


The Circle of Eternal Death is structured as a hierarchy, with the Council of Shadows at the top. The Council of Shadows consists of the highest-ranking members of the Circle, who are responsible for making major decisions and overseeing the activities of the religion. Beneath the Council of Shadows are the High Priests and Priestesses, who are responsible for leading individual temples and guiding the worship of Arawn. The rank and file members of the Circle are known as acolytes, who serve in various roles within the temples and work to further the goals of the religion. Overall, the organizational structure of the Circle of Eternal Death is designed to maintain a sense of order and hierarchy, while allowing for flexibility and adaptability in the face of changing circumstances.


The Circle of Eternal Death believes that death is the ultimate expression of power and that those who have the strength to wield it are the most deserving of respect and reverence. They view death as a transformative force that frees the soul from the limitations of the mortal world and allows it to ascend to greater heights of power and knowledge. To this end, they seek to master the arts of necromancy, undeath, and other forms of death magic, seeing them as the key to unlocking the true potential of the soul.   The Circle teaches that death is not something to be feared, but rather embraced as a natural part of the cycle of existence. They reject the idea that death is an end in itself, instead seeing it as a means to a greater end: the attainment of power and transcendence beyond the mortal realm. They believe that those who are skilled in the arts of death can use it to shape the world around them, to command the loyalty of the living and the dead alike, and to achieve immortality in a way that goes beyond mere physical longevity.   The ultimate goal of the Circle of Eternal Death is the conquest of death itself. They believe that through their mastery of death magic, they can overcome the limitations of mortality and ascend to a higher plane of existence. They see themselves as the chosen few who have been granted the knowledge and power to achieve this goal, and they view all others as lesser beings who are unworthy of the knowledge they possess. To them, death is not an end, but a means to ultimate power and immortality.   In the Court of the Withered, both the Circle of Eternal Death and The Circle of Guiding Light have proclamations that are used to identify one another and to signal the end or transition in conversation. These sayings hold different meanings depending on which circle you are a part of, and they are commonly used and socially required in the court. The mottos are: "All things must come to an end" "In death, all things find balance" "From the darkness, we rise again to take our revenge and conquer all who oppose us" "Death is not an end, but a gateway to the eternal abyss" "In the darkness, we shine"

Public Agenda

The public agenda of the Circle is to spread the knowledge of death and its power over life, to seek out and recruit new followers to the faith, and to maintain the dominance of their beliefs within the Court. They may also seek to form alliances with other factions or groups who share their goals, and to undermine or oppose those who stand in their way.


Temples and Shrines: The Circle maintains a network of temples and shrines throughout the Court of the Withered, dedicated to the worship of their dark deity and the practice of their rituals and rites.   Knowledge and Lore: The Circle possesses extensive knowledge of death, necromancy, and other dark arts, which is recorded in various tomes and scrolls within their libraries.   Political Power: The Circle holds a significant amount of political power within the Court of the Withered, and their influence extends to many aspects of court life, including trade, taxation, and law enforcement.   Military Strength: The Circle commands a formidable force of soldiers and mercenaries, who are trained in the arts of combat and necromancy, and serve as protectors of the faith.   Wealth: The Circle has accumulated great wealth over the centuries, through offerings, donations, and trade, which they use to fund their activities and support their followers.


According to the lore of the Court of the Withered, the Circle of Eternal Death was founded by the first High Priestess of Arawn. She was a powerful and ambitious woman who sought to unite the people of the court under the banner of death and eternal power.   She preached that death was not the end, but a doorway to a higher existence. Through the worship of Arawn and the practice of dark rituals, she promised her followers eternal life and power in the afterlife.   At first, her message was met with skepticism and fear. The people of the court were deeply superstitious, and the idea of worshipping the god of death in this way was terrifying to many. But over time, the High Priestess gained followers and established a small cult dedicated to the dark worship of Arawn.   As the cult grew in power and influence, the High Priestess became more and more ambitious. She saw herself as a queen in all but name, and seeks to rule over the court through the power of her faith.   Under her leadership, the Circle of Eternal Death created the Council of Shadows and has become the dominant religion of the Court of the Withered. The cult grew in size and wealth, and its influence spread far beyond the borders of the court.   Today, the Circle of Eternal Death is a powerful force in the court, with many adherents among the ruling elite, including the Withered Patriarch. The High Priestess and Council of Shadows remain dedicated to their goal of achieving eternal life and power through the dark worship of Arawn, and they will stop at nothing to achieve their ends.

Mythology & Lore

The Circle of Eternal Death is shrouded in mystery and secrecy. It is said that the teachings and practices of the Circle have been passed down from ancient times, and that they are rooted in a forgotten era when the power of death held sway over the land.   The Circle's teachings are said to draw upon the power of the underworld and the darker aspects of magic, as well as the use of poisons and other deadly arts. It is believed that the Circle's origins lie in the worship of powerful deities of death and destruction, who were once revered by ancient civilizations that have long since been forgotten. In modern times, they worship Arawn - God of Death and revere death as something to be conquored.   Many of the Circle's teachings are passed down through oral tradition, with only a select few initiated into the deeper mysteries of the faith. It is said that those who seek to delve into the darker aspects of the Circle's teachings must be willing to embrace death and destruction as tools for power, and that they must be prepared to sacrifice everything in pursuit of their goals.

Divine Origins

The Circle of Eternal Death was founded by a group of powerful necromancers and death worshippers led by a High Priestess within the Court of the Withered, who believed that death was the ultimate form of power and that only those who embraced it fully could attain true mastery over the world. They began to spread their teachings throughout the court, and soon gained a following among the most ambitious and ruthless members of the ruling class.   Over time, the Circle of Eternal Death grew in influence and power, and its members became some of the most feared and respected figures in the court. They amassed great wealth and resources, and used them to advance their own agenda and further their control over the court.

Tenets of Faith

Death is the ultimate power and must be embraced rather than feared. The pursuit of power and dominance is a sacred duty. The strong have the right to rule over the weak, and only the strong should survive. The afterlife is a place of power and potential, and one's actions in life determine their position and influence in the afterlife. The Circle of Eternal Death is the true path to ultimate power and enlightenment, and all who embrace it will be rewarded in death and beyond. These tenets are centered around the worship of death and the pursuit of power, which the followers of the Circle of Eternal Death believe to be the keys to ultimate enlightenment and eternal glory in the afterlife.


Death is the ultimate power: The followers of the Circle of Eternal Death believe that death is the most powerful force in the universe. They see it as the ultimate release from the suffering of life and the gateway to the next realm. As such, they believe that death should be embraced and celebrated, rather than feared.   Sacrifice for power: The followers of the Circle of Eternal Death believe that the more they sacrifice, the more power they will receive in return. This could take the form of personal sacrifice, such as enduring pain or denying themselves basic comforts, or sacrificing others to the circle.   The pursuit of power is the ultimate goal: The followers of the Circle of Eternal Death believe that power is the ultimate goal of existence. They see it as the key to unlocking the secrets of the universe and achieving true greatness. They believe that the pursuit of power is a noble and worthy cause, and that anything can be justified in its pursuit.   Death is the great equalizer: The followers of the Circle of Eternal Death believe that death is the only thing that truly equalizes all living beings. No matter how rich or powerful one is in life, they will eventually succumb to death, which means that death is the only thing that truly matters.   As for what is considered a sin or a pious act, the followers of the Circle of Eternal Death believe that any act that brings them closer to death and the pursuit of power is pious, while any act that takes them further away from these goals is a sin. This includes acts of self-sacrifice, murder, and the accumulation of wealth and power. However, it is important to note that the definition of a sin or a pious act can vary depending on the context and the individual, and the council of shadows is responsible for interpreting the tenets of faith and guiding the faithful accordingly.


The worship in the Circle of Eternal Death involves several practices, rituals, and traditions that are considered essential to the faith. These include:   Daily prayer: Followers of the Circle of Eternal Death are expected to pray at least once a day, either individually or in a group. These prayers typically involve asking for the blessings of Arawn, the lord of death, and thanking him for his guidance.   Offerings: Offerings are an important part of the worship in the Circle of Eternal Death. Followers are encouraged to offer gifts to Arawn, such as food, wine, or precious metals, as a sign of their devotion. Pain is also seen as an offering and sacrifice for Arawn.   Sacrifice: Sacrifice is considered a sacred act in the Circle of Eternal Death. Some followers may offer animal sacrifices or even human sacrifices to Arawn, in order to gain his favor and protection.   Festivals and ceremonies: The Circle of Eternal Death has several festivals and ceremonies that are observed throughout the year. The Festival of Bones, The Night of Shadows, and @night.   Meditation and contemplation: Followers of the Circle of Eternal Death are encouraged to engage in regular meditation and contemplation. This involves focusing on the teachings of the faith and reflecting on their personal spiritual journey.   Oath of loyalty: The followers of the Circle of Eternal Death are expected to take an oath of loyalty to the faith and its leaders. This oath involves pledging one's life and soul to the service of Arawn and the faith.


In the Circle of Eternal Death, higher ranking members are those who have proven their loyalty and dedication to the cause. They must demonstrate their willingness to carry out the will of the council of shadows, as well as their ability to maintain secrecy and manipulate situations to further the goals of the Circle. This can involve tasks such as carrying out assassinations, spreading propaganda, and gathering intelligence.   Additionally, higher ranking members may have access to certain teachings or rituals that are reserved for those who have achieved a certain level of trust and commitment within the faith. These teachings may involve the manipulation of death energy, divination, and other occult practices.   The Council of Shadows is the leading group within the Circle of Eternal Death, the main religion of the Court of the Withered. The Council is composed of the highest-ranking members of the Circle and is responsible for the direction of its activities. The Council meets in secret to discuss matters of faith, strategy, and governance.   The Council of Shadows wields significant power and influence within the Court of the Withered, but ultimately answers to the Court's Patriarch. However, some members of the Council seek to overthrow the Patriarch and assume power themselves. These internal power struggles are carefully hidden from the public eye, as any open dissent could lead to chaos and destruction.   The Council of Shadows is known for its dedication to the pursuit of power, the propagation of death, and the veneration of Arawn, the god of death. Members of the Council are typically high-ranking officials, powerful warriors, or influential members of the court. They are initiated into the Circle of Eternal Death through a rigorous process of study, meditation, and service to the faith. Only the most devoted and capable members rise to the ranks of the Council.

Granted Divine Powers

The priests and priestesses of the Circle of Eternal Death are believed to possess supernatural powers granted to them by Arawn himself. These powers include the ability to communicate with the dead, the ability to call upon the power of Arawn to manifest objects or events, such as summoning gust of wind or causing objects to move, and to heal small wounds, physical or spiritual.   As one rises through the ranks of the Circle, it is believed that they may gain access to even greater powers, such as the ability to bend the wills of the living, and perhaps even gain the power to cheat death itself. However, these powers come at a great cost, as they require intense devotion to Arawn and a willingness to embrace the darker aspects of existence.   Only the Patricarch of the Court of the Withering is able to use necro-botany powers and create the army of creatures found in the court.

Political Influence & Intrigue

The Circle of Eternal Death is deeply intertwined with the political fabric of the Court of the Withered. Its followers hold significant positions of power and influence, from high-ranking military officers to top advisors to the Patriarch himself. As a result, the religion's beliefs and practices have a significant impact on the policies and decisions made by the Court.   One way in which the religion affects the political landscape is through its emphasis on the pursuit of power and domination. This belief has led many followers of the Circle of Eternal Death to seek positions of authority and influence within the Court, often at the expense of others. This has created a culture of cutthroat competition and backstabbing, as individuals vie for power and prestige within the Court.   Additionally, the religion's emphasis on death and the afterlife has led to a certain fatalism among its followers. Many believe that their actions in life will ultimately determine their fate in the afterlife, and as a result, they are often willing to take extreme risks or make drastic decisions in order to achieve their goals.   Overall, the Circle of Eternal Death has had a significant impact on the political and social climate of the Court of the Withered, shaping its policies and decisions and creating a culture of power-hungry individuals who are willing to do whatever it takes to achieve their ambitions.

Embrace Death, for it is our greatest ally

Religious, Organised Religion
Disciples of the Undying
Ruling Organization
The Council of Shadows has a secret meeting place deep within the underground catacombs of the Court of the Withered. The entrance to their meeting place is hidden and only accessible to those who have been granted permission by the council itself.   The Circle of Eternal Death doesn't have any specific geographical locations under their direct control. However, they do have a significant influence in the Court of the Withered, including its various territories, strongholds, and cities. Additionally, they have a network of secret hideouts and underground temples scattered throughout the land, where their followers can worship and conduct their rituals in secrecy. These locations are often well-guarded and hidden from the general public, as the Circle of Eternal Death values their secrecy and their privacy.


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