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Arawn - God of Death (Ah-ron)

Lord of Decay Arawn (a.k.a. Lord of the Underworld)

Arawn is the god of death and the underworld in the mythology of the @court. Arawn is the one who guides the souls of the departed to the afterlife, and is said to preside over the spirits of the dead in the underworld.   Arawn is often depicted as a tall, gaunt figure with pale skin and sunken eyes that glow with a dim, green light. He wears a long, hooded robe made of tattered black fabric that hangs loosely from his thin frame. His face is skeletal and his hands are long and bony, with sharp, curved claws instead of fingers. He carries a large, black staff topped with a skull, which is said to be a powerful tool of necromancy. His overall appearance is eerie and unsettling, invoking feelings of fear and awe in those who behold him.   In addition to being the god of death, Arawn is also associated with decay and entropy. He is seen as the force that brings about the end of things, and his followers believe that this is necessary for new life and growth to emerge. The Court of the Withered sees Arawn as a powerful ally, and they offer sacrifices and perform rituals in his honor to ensure his favor and protection.

Divine Domains

Arawn is associated with several divine domains in two different religions. In The Circle of Eternal Death, his domains are primarily related to death, darkness, and evil. This includes domains such as:   Death: Arawn is often seen as the ruler of the dead and the afterlife.   Darkness: Arawn is associated with darkness and the night, and his powers are often strongest during the hours of darkness.   Fear: Arawn is a fearsome figure, and his followers use this fear to control others.   Power: Arawn's followers believe that he has immense power and that they can gain power themselves by worshipping him.     In The Circle of Guiding Light, Arawn's domains are more positive and life-affirming. These include:   Wisdom: Arawn is believed to be a wise and knowledgeable figure, and his followers seek his guidance and insight.   Spirituality: Arawn is associated with the spirit world and the afterlife, and his followers believe that they can communicate with spirits through him.   Nature: Arawn is seen as a protector of the natural world and its creatures, and his followers strive to live in harmony with nature.   Justice: Arawn is also seen as a fair and just figure, and his followers believe that he can help them achieve justice and right wrongs.


Arawn is often associated with various artifacts, some of which are said to have been created by him, while others are attributed to him as symbols of his power and influence. One of the most well-known artifacts attributed to him is a magical cauldron known as the Cauldron of Rebirth. This cauldron is said to have the power to bring the dead back to life, and is often used in rituals dedicated to Arawn.   Another artifact associated with Arawn is the Black Spear of Arawn, a powerful weapon that is said to have been forged by the god himself. The spear is said to be imbued with dark magic and is believed to be able to pierce through any armor or shield.   A third artifact attributed to Arawn is the Horned Crown of Arawn, a crown that is said to have been worn by the god himself. The crown is adorned with the antlers of a great stag, symbolizing Arawn's connection to the natural world and his role as a protector of the wilderness.   Other items attributed to Arawn include a set of magical hounds that he uses to hunt and capture souls, a black cloak that grants its wearer the ability to move unseen and unheard, and a set of bone dice that are said to be able to predict the future. These artifacts are highly sought after by followers of Arawn, who believe that possessing them will bring them closer to the god and grant them greater power and influence.

Holy Books & Codes

The Book of the Dead - This text contains instructions for the deceased on how to navigate the afterlife and avoid the dangers that lie within. It would be highly valued by both the Circle of Guiding Light and the Circle of Eternal Death as a source of knowledge about the afterlife.   The Tome of the Undying - This forbidden tome contains powerful spells and incantations related to death, necromancy, and other dark arts. It would be highly prized by the Circle of Eternal Death, but viewed as dangerous and corrupt by the Circle of Guiding Light.   The Book of Arawn - This sacred text contains the teachings and wisdom of Arawn himself. It would be highly revered by the Circle of Guiding Light, who view it as a source of spiritual guidance and inspiration.   The Book of Shadows - This book contains detailed information on various forms of magic, including divination, necromancy, and dark magic. It would be sought after by members of the Circle of Eternal Death who wish to deepen their knowledge of the occult.   The Codex Mortis - This ancient tome is said to contain the secrets of eternal life and the power to control death itself. It would be highly prized by both the Circle of Guiding Light and the Circle of Eternal Death, but for very different reasons.   The Songs of the Wild Hunt: A collection of hymns and songs sung by followers of Arawn during the Wild Hunt. These songs are believed to have the power to summon the spectral hounds and the Hunt itself.   The Tablets of Arawn: A set of engraved tablets said to have been gifted to Arawn by the gods themselves. These tablets are believed to contain information about the divine domains and powers of Arawn, as well as guidance for his followers.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The Wild Hunt: This is a spectral procession of hounds and horsemen that is said to appear in the sky during certain times of the year. The Wild Hunt is believed to be led by Arawn himself and is considered a symbol of his power and authority.   The Raven: This bird is often associated with death and the afterlife, and is seen as a messenger of Arawn. Ravens are also believed to have a close connection to the spirit world and are often seen as an omen of impending doom.   The Skull: This is a universal symbol of death and mortality, and is often used to represent Arawn's power over death and the afterlife. The skull is sometimes depicted with other symbols, such as crossed bones or a scythe, to emphasize its association with death.   The Triple Moon: This symbol represents the cycles of life, death, and rebirth, which are central to Arawn's teachings. The three phases of the moon are seen as corresponding to these three aspects of existence, and are often used to represent the interconnectedness of all things.   The Horned God: This is a common symbol and is often associated with fertility, wildness, and the natural world. Arawn is sometimes depicted as a horned god, particularly in the context of the Wild Hunt.


The Festival of Bones - This is a major holiday that takes place on the autumnal equinox. It is a time to honor the dead and celebrate the power of death and decay. The festival is marked by feasting, music, and the creation of bone art and jewelry.   The Night of Shadows - This is a night of reverence and solemnity that takes place on the winter solstice. It is a time to honor Arawn and the other gods of death, and to remember those who have passed on. Followers often hold private rituals on this night, communing with the spirits of the dead and seeking guidance from the gods.   The Feast of the Withered - This is a minor holiday that takes place on the summer solstice. It is a time to honor the power of decay and the inevitability of death. The feast is typically a somber affair, with offerings of wilted flowers, rotting fruits, and other decaying objects.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Arawn is a tall, gaunt figure with pale skin. His overall appearance is eerie and unsettling, invoking feelings of fear and awe in those who behold him.

Body Features

His face is skeletal and his hands are long and bony, with sharp, curved claws instead of fingers.

Facial Features

He has sunken eyes that glow with a dim, green light

Special abilities

Necromancy: Arawn has the ability to summon and control the spirits of the dead, using them to do his bidding.   Immortality: Arawn is essentially immortal, and has existed since the beginning of time. While he can be defeated or banished, he cannot truly be killed.   Divine Magic: As a god, Arawn has access to powerful divine magic that can be used to accomplish a wide range of feats.   Teleportation: Arawn can teleport himself and others to any location in the underworld.   Divination: Arawn can see into the future and past, and can even read the thoughts of mortals and other gods.   Shape-shifting: Arawn can assume any form he desires, and often uses this ability to disguise himself when dealing with mortals.   Control over decay: As the god of decay, Arawn has the ability to speed up or slow down the natural process of decay in any living or non-living thing.   These abilities make Arawn a formidable deity, capable of wielding immense power over life and death.

Apparel & Accessories

He wears a long, hooded robe made of tattered black fabric that hangs loosely from his thin frame. He carries a large, black staff topped with a skull, which is said to be a powerful tool of necromancy.

Mental characteristics


In some religions, Arawn is seen as a compassionate guide who ushers souls to the underworld. He is responsible for ensuring that the souls make a safe and peaceful transition to the afterlife. Once the souls have reached the underworld, they are judged by the goddess Arianrhod and reincarnated according to their deeds in life.   In other religions, Arawn is seen as a fearsome figure who punishes those who pervert the ideas he stands by. He is known as the Grim Reaper, and it is said that he takes the souls of those who have committed heinous crimes or have failed to live up to the ideals of the court of the withered. These souls are said to be condemned to eternal suffering, trapped in the underworld with no chance of reincarnation.

Personality Characteristics


Arawn's motivations are complex and multifaceted. On the one hand, he is driven by a sense of duty to his role as the god of death and the underworld. He believes that it is his responsibility to guide souls to their rightful place in the afterlife, whether that be the peaceful rest of the underworld or the punishment of the damned.   On the other hand, Arawn is deeply troubled by the twisted version of his religion that has taken hold in the court of the withered. He sees the corruption and cruelty of his followers and feels a sense of despair and frustration that his teachings have been perverted in such a way. However, he continues to carry out his duties because he believes that there are still souls that need to be guided to the underworld, and he sees it as his responsibility to help them find their way.   Despite the challenges he faces, Arawn remains steadfast in his commitment to his role as the guide of the dead. He is a stoic and resolute figure, willing to face whatever challenges come his way in order to fulfill his duty.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Arawn is essentially omnipotent and does not have any significant ineptitudes.   His savvies may include his mastery of necromancy and the ability to control and communicate with the spirits of the dead. Additionally, he may have the power to grant certain abilities or boons to his followers, as well as the ability to curse or inflict harm upon his enemies.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes:   Offerings of bones, skulls, and other remains Quiet contemplation and solitude Honesty and loyalty Honoring the natural cycles of life and death Dislikes:   Disrespect for the dead or the natural order of things Cowardice and deceitfulness Overly showy or ostentatious displays of devotion Those who refuse to accept the inevitability of death

Virtues & Personality perks

Arawn's strengths include his compassion, empathy, and understanding of the human condition. He is a skilled guide and helps souls navigate the difficult journey to the afterlife. He is also knowledgeable in the ways of necromancy and can communicate with the dead.   In terms of positive character aspects, Arawn is often seen as a protector of the vulnerable and a champion of justice. He is not swayed by material possessions or power, and instead values the intrinsic worth of all beings. He is also patient and willing to listen, even to those who have strayed from the path he stands for.

Vices & Personality flaws

As a god of death and decay, Arawn can be ruthless and unforgiving, and his dedication to his duty can sometimes border on obsession. His preoccupation with death and the afterlife can make him aloof and detached from the concerns of the living, and he can come across as cold and unfeeling to those who seek his help.   In addition, Arawn's close association with necromancy can be seen as a vice or flaw in some circles, as the practice of raising and controlling the dead is often viewed as a dark and taboo art. This aspect of his character can lead some to question his motives and morality, especially in the context of the twisted religion that worships him as a malevolent force.   Despite these flaws, however, Arawn is also known for his compassion and mercy towards the souls he guides to the underworld. He takes his role as a guide and protector seriously, and will go to great lengths to ensure that the souls under his care are treated with respect and dignity. This aspect of his character is often overlooked by those who fear and revile him, but is nonetheless a vital part of his identity as a god of death and the afterlife.



When Arawn speaks, his voice is deep and resonant, carrying an air of authority and gravity. He speaks slowly and deliberately, his words carefully chosen to convey his meaning with maximum impact. He rarely raises his voice, but when he does, it is with a commanding tone that demands attention. Arawn is not given to small talk or idle chatter, preferring to get straight to the point and address the matters at hand. He has a tendency to use metaphor and allegory to make his points, often drawing on the imagery of death and decay to illustrate his ideas. Overall, his mannerisms reflect his role as a guide through the mysteries of death and the afterlife, and his seriousness and gravitas are meant to instill respect and reverence in those who seek his counsel.

Hobbies & Pets

Arawn's pets are a pack of hounds known as the Wild Hunt, led by their alpha, Branoc. They are spectral beings that appear differently depending on the viewer's intentions. To those with nefarious purposes, they appear as terrifying, demonic hounds with fiery eyes and jaws that drip with blood. To those who are not, they appear as spectral guides, leading lost souls to the afterlife.   In addition to the Wild Hunt, Arawn also has two symbolic animals associated with him - a black horse and a raven. The black horse represents Arawn's role as a guide and his power over death and the afterlife, while the raven represents his connection to the spirit world and his ability to communicate with the dead. These animals may be used in ceremonies or rituals dedicated to Arawn, and his followers may offer them as gifts or sacrifices to honor him.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord of the Underworld Master of Death Keeper of the Souls Bringer of Balance Guide of the Lost Lord of Decay Warden of the Damned The Reaper The Pale One The Ghoul King
Pale, sunken, glow with green light
Quotes & Catchphrases
All things must come to an end   In some religions, this quote could be seen as a reminder of the natural cycle of life and death, and a call to accept the inevitability of change.   In other religions, it could be interpreted as a threat or warning, suggesting that those who oppose or anger Arawn will meet their end.   Other catchphrases include: In death, all things find balance.


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