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The Circle of Guiding Light

The Circle of Guiding Light is a sect that sees Arawn as a guide for souls to the afterlife. They revere death and are not afraid of it. They see death and decay as a natural part of life. While they are not necessarily a peaceful group of people afraid of violence, they do not seek it out. They see murder as taking death into their own hands when it should be in the hands of the gods.   However, the Circle of Guiding Light has been overtaken in the Court of the Withered by the Circle of Eternal Death, a more violent and aggressive sect that sees death as a weapon to be wielded for power and control. The Circle of Eternal Death has pushed the Circle of Guiding Light to the fringes of the court, and many members have gone into hiding or joined the Circle of Eternal Death to avoid persecution.   Despite this, there are still some members of the Circle of Guiding Light who continue to practice their beliefs in secret. They hold private ceremonies to honor the dead and guide souls to the afterlife. They also offer comfort and support to those who are dying or grieving. However, they must do so cautiously, as the Circle of Eternal Death sees them as weak and heretical.


The Circle of Guiding Light has very little structure left, as it has been suppressed and forced into secrecy by the Circle of Eternal Death. Since the leaders of the past have either been assassinated or exiled from the Court of the Withered long ago, there is no main leader to guide the followers. As a result, if one is a practicing and faithful member of this circle, they are their own spiritual leader and guide.   The Keepers of the Light are priests and priestesses who live and work in the secret places of worship of the Circle of Guiding Light. These keepers are responsible for guarding the old tomes, artifacts of Arawn, and banned readings that the Circle has collected over the years. They rarely leave their posts, dedicating their lives to the protection and preservation of these assets.   Their lifestyle is simple and ascetic, with the keepers living in small rooms adjacent to the libraries and artifacts they guard. They spend most of their time reading, meditating, and maintaining the tomes and artifacts. Occasionally, a faithful member of the Circle will seek the counsel of the keepers, who will provide guidance and spiritual support. The keepers are highly respected within the Circle, and their knowledge and dedication are seen as essential to the preservation of the Circle's teachings and beliefs.


In the Court of the Withered, both the Circle of Eternal Death and The Circle of Guiding Light have proclamations that are used to identify one another and to signal the end or transition in conversation. These sayings hold different meanings depending on which circle you are a part of, and they are commonly used and socially required in the court. The mottos are: "All things must come to an end" "In death, all things find balance" "From the darkness, we rise again to take our revenge and conquer all who oppose us" "Death is not an end, but a gateway to the eternal abyss" "In the darkness, we shine"

Public Agenda

As a sect that practices in secrecy, the Circle of Guiding Light does not have a public agenda. However, if they were to publicly express their beliefs, they would likely focus on promoting the acceptance of death as a natural part of life and encouraging individuals to embrace their mortality rather than fear it. They may also advocate for peaceful approaches to conflict resolution and seek to educate others about their beliefs regarding death and the afterlife.


Secret places of worship and old temples dedicated to Arawn, which may contain valuable relics, ancient tomes, and banned readings.   Priests and priestesses who serve as guardians of the temples and the sacred artifacts, with specialized knowledge and skills in protection and preservation.   Underground networks and hidden safe houses, where members can gather to worship, learn, and strategize without fear of persecution from the Circle of Eternal Death or other enemies.   Rich knowledge and understanding of death and the afterlife, which may give members a unique perspective on the world and a sense of purpose and direction.   Strong connections to the underworld and the spirit realm, which may provide the Circle with valuable allies, information, and magical powers.


The Circle of Guiding Light's fall from prominence in the Court of the Withered began with the rise of the Circle of Eternal Death. As the followers of the Circle of Guiding Light began to speak out more about their beliefs, they became seen as a threat to the power of the court's rulers. The Circle of Eternal Death began to spread rumors and propaganda against them, painting them as heretics and dangerous to the stability of the court.   The rulers of the court, fearing the growing influence of the Circle of Guiding Light, began to take action against them. Many were imprisoned or executed, while others were exiled from the court. Over time, the Circle of Guiding Light was forced to go into hiding, practicing their faith in secret.   As their numbers dwindled and their resources became limited, the Circle of Guiding Light was unable to compete with the Circle of Eternal Death for influence in the court. Today, they exist as a small, secretive sect, practicing their faith in hidden places and constantly watching their backs for fear of persecution.

Mythology & Lore

The mythology and forgotten history that underpins the basis and teachings of the Circle of Guiding Light is centered around the god Arawn - God of Death, who was an ancient deity of death and the afterlife. In the ancient times, Arawn was revered by many cultures as a guide for souls to the afterlife. The Circle of Guiding Light believes that death is a natural part of life and that Arawn guides the souls of the dead to their next journey.   According to their mythology, Arawn created the first human beings from the soil and gave them the gift of life. He also gave them the gift of death so that they could pass on to the next world. The Circle of Guiding Light believes that Arawn is still watching over humanity and guiding them to their ultimate fate. They revere death and see it as a natural cycle of life, and they believe that the souls of the dead go on to a new journey after passing through the gateway of death. They also believe that the dead can communicate with the living through mediums and that they can provide guidance and wisdom.   Overall, the teachings of the Circle of Guiding Light are based on the belief that death is not to be feared but rather embraced as a natural part of life. They see Arawn as a guide for souls and believe that he watches over humanity, even in death.

Tenets of Faith

Death is a natural part of life, and should be embraced rather than feared. The soul is immortal, and passes on to the afterlife after death. Arawn is a guide for souls to the afterlife, and should be revered. Life is a cycle, and all things must come to an end in order for new life to begin. Those who have passed on should be remembered and celebrated. The pursuit of knowledge is paramount, and forbidden knowledge should be sought out and preserved. Violence should only be used as a last resort, and taking a life is only justified in cases of self-defense. Respect for the natural world is essential, as it is a reflection of the cycle of life and death. Personal autonomy is valued, and each individual is their own spiritual leader and guide. The ultimate goal is to reach enlightenment and transcendence to join with the eternal light. These tenets are the guiding principles of the Circle of Guiding Light, and are passed down through their teachings and practices.


The Circle of Guiding Light considers the following to be sins:   Murder: As they see death as a natural part of life, they view taking a life as overstepping the gods, except in cases of self-defense or the defense of others.   Dishonoring the dead: The faithful believe in showing respect to the dead, so desecrating a body, grave, or any form of memorial is seen as a severe transgression.   Betrayal: Betraying one's family, friends, or the Circle of Guiding Light is an unforgivable sin.   Greed: The faithful should not put material possessions above their faith or the well-being of others.     On the other hand, the following actions are considered pious acts:   Honoring the dead: The faithful honor the dead by performing rituals, prayers, and offerings to guide their souls to the afterlife.   Dutiful: They believe in remaining steadfast in the face of adversity as it relates to the faith. The Circle values those who are devout in the rituals and consistent in their worship.   Devotion: The Circle of Guiding Light values devotion to their faith, and they often spend time in meditation and prayer to strengthen their spiritual connection to Arawn.   Neutral towards life: They show respect for all living things, including animals and plants, and believe in maintaining balance and harmony with nature.     Interpretations of these tenets can vary slightly based on individual beliefs and situations. Still, the Circle of Guiding Light generally sees these guidelines as a way to live a meaningful and righteous life that aligns with the will of Arawn - God of Death.


The members of the Circle of Guiding Light worship their faith through regular practices, rituals, and traditions. Some of these include:   Daily prayer and meditation: The faithful begin each day with prayer and meditation, connecting with Arawn and seeking guidance and strength for the day ahead.   Weekly worship services: The Circle of Guiding Light holds weekly worship services where the faithful gather to pray, sing hymns, and listen to teachings from the priests and priestesses.   Observance of holy days: The Circle of Guiding Light observes several holy days throughout the year.   Offerings and sacrifices: The faithful often make offerings and sacrifices to Arawn, such as food, flowers, or other items. These offerings are made as a sign of devotion and respect.   Rituals for the dead: The Circle of Guiding Light places great importance on honoring the dead, and they perform various rituals to help guide the souls of the deceased to the afterlife.   Pilgrimages: The faithful may embark on pilgrimages to sacred sites or locations of historical significance to the Circle of Guiding Light, such as The Temple of Eternal Light.   Private meditation and prayer: Many members of the Circle of Guiding Light engage in private meditation and prayer throughout the day, seeking to deepen their spiritual connection with Arawn.   These practices, rituals, and traditions are central to the lives of the faithful and serve to strengthen their faith and connection to Arawn. However, these practices are kept secret due to the persecution and punishment the Circle of Guiding Light faces in the Court of the Withered.


To become one of the Keepers of the Light in the Circle of Guiding Light, one must first demonstrate their devotion and dedication to the teachings of Arawn - God of Death. This can be done by participating in rituals and ceremonies, studying the ancient texts and teachings of the faith, and living a life that reflects the principles and values of the Circle.   If an individual shows promise and is deemed worthy by the current Keepers of the Light, they may be invited to join the order. However, acceptance is not guaranteed and is subject to the approval of the other Keepers.   Once accepted, a Keeper of the Light is trained in the secrets of the faith and entrusted with the responsibility of safeguarding the relics, artifacts, and knowledge of the Circle. They may also be called upon to perform important ceremonies and rituals, provide guidance to fellow members, and represent the Circle in matters of diplomacy and politics.

Granted Divine Powers

It is important to note that the supernatural powers granted to the faithful of the Circle of Guiding Light are not seen as a means of personal gain or power but rather a tool to be used in service to Arawn and the community. The faithful are taught to use their abilities with humility and respect, always mindful of the potential consequences.   The ability to communicate with the dead is one of the most valued powers within the Circle, as it allows the faithful to receive guidance and wisdom from those who have passed on. This ability is often used in funerary rites and to assist the living in resolving unfinished business with their deceased loved ones.   The power to manifest objects or events is another crucial ability within the Circle, as it can be used to aid in various tasks or to defend against enemies. However, it is important to note that this power is not to be used recklessly, as it may have unintended consequences.   The healing abilities of the faithful are also highly regarded, as they can be used to heal both physical and spiritual wounds. It is believed that these healing powers come directly from Arawn himself, and those who possess them are seen as blessed by the gods.   As for the Withered Patriarch of the Court of the Withered, their necro-botany powers are considered unique and powerful, but also dangerous and frowned upon by the Circle of Guiding Light. The faithful see the creation of the army of creatures as an abomination and believe it goes against the natural order of things.

Political Influence & Intrigue

The Circle of Guiding Light has a significant impact on the political fabric of the Court of the Withered, despite their secretive nature. While they do not openly seek power, their influence is felt throughout the court, especially among those who value the faith and the teachings of Arawn.   Many nobles and commoners alike turn to the Circle for guidance and support, as they trust in the judgment of the Keepers of the Light. This has led to a network of loyalists to the Circle within the court, who use their influence and connections to promote the interests of the Circle and their followers.   On the other hand, there are also those who are suspicious of the Circle and view them with distrust, seeing their secretive ways as a threat to the stability of the court. These individuals may see the Circle as a shadowy organization with their own agenda, and may work to counteract their influence.   Overall, the Circle of Guiding Light operates within the political landscape of the Court of the Withered in a subtle and indirect manner, but their presence is felt and respected by many who value their guidance and teachings.

In the darkness, we shine

Religious, Sect
Disciples of the Light
Ruling Organization
The Circle of Guiding Light operates several important secret locations throughout the outskirts of the Court of the Withered. These locations are carefully chosen for their seclusion and often are connected by secret passageways and tunnels. The members of the Circle of Guiding Light use these locations for worship, meditation, and to store their most valuable relics.   One of the most important locations is an old temple called The Temple of Eternal Light that has been abandoned for many years. The temple was originally dedicated to the worship of Arawn - God of Death and was one of the most prominent places of worship in the court. However, after The Circle of Eternal Death gained power, the temple was abandoned and left to decay.   The Keepers of the Light, who were faithful members of the Circle of Guiding Light, saw the potential in the old temple and decided to occupy it. Over time, they restored the temple to its former glory and used it as a base of operations for their sect. The temple is hidden deep within the forests and swamps that surround the court, and very few people know of its existence.   Another important location is an underground network of tunnels and chambers. These tunnels were originally created as a way for the court to escape in the event of an attack, but over time they were forgotten and abandoned. The Keepers of the Light discovered the tunnels and began to use them as a secret meeting place. They expanded the tunnels and created chambers where they could store their most valuable relics and hold their most sacred rituals.   Finally, there are several ruins of old temples that the Keepers of the Light still occupy. These ruins are hidden deep within the forests and are difficult to find. The Keepers of the Light use these ruins as places of worship and meditation, and they guard them fiercely to keep them from falling into the wrong hands.
Controlled Territories


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