Albion Kirkwell Character in Instauro | World Anvil

Albion Kirkwell

Albion F. Kirkwell (a.k.a. Albi, Allie, Little Elf (by Cedric))

Early life

  Albion was born on Sisil 15th 1191 to the aristocratic House of Kirkwell in a Kingdom placed in Feywild. He was the youngest child of Aestella Kirkwell and Kedrethus Kirkwell. With the assortment of two older brothers and an older sister, there was not much expected of him. It gave him an illusion of freedom, but in fact, his own mind developed a need for praise and attention given he was often left to do whatever when his parents looked after their heir, their little girl, and the one who was supposed to become the next royal guard commander. That led him to seek attention from Lady Gwynereth Kirkwell, his grandmother, and the family's head. He adored her, and she was always his role model. The old elf was known to be a fierce fighter and a great leader. Obviously, Albion wanted to be like her; while impossible to have the same status, he could still train. And so he did. Along the way, he made good friends with his cousin, Lywenn Meres, she became his sparring partner, and they both tried to gain knowledge of the path of the sword from the Lady. Unfortunately, it would so happen that Albion’s prowess would be noticed and put to the test by his parents. Wanting to show off his older brother’s skills, he was supposed to fight him. No one could anticipate that as the two boys fought, it stopped just being a show put on for the parents, and the blood was spilled. In this fight, Albion lost almost everything. He killed his brother to preserve his own life; he lost the right to wield scimitars and train. From this day on, he was an enemy in his own home. All that work he put in to earn praise from his family was gone like it never happened. Only sometimes, he still could feel the eyes of his grandmother following him when he was summoned to eat with them.   After about a decade after this, the young elf decided to leave. Unfortunately, that night, his second brother and father lost their lives. To this day, Albion believes that he was the cause of this but what he does not know is that the same night he left and fought his way out, there were assassins sent to end his house’s lineage. In a cruel joke of fate, the last son of the Kirkwells became the only one. His mother and sister went on to live without him as the red-eyed elf joined the criminal underbelly of the kingdom he was born in...
Teenage years and The Order For a time in his life Albion became a criminal. It warranted him cutting his long hair as well as committing some heinous acts. He stole, manipulated, killed. All to survive. This life led him to many travels and eventually ending up recruited to the Order of Profane Soul, a branch of the Blood Hunter order. At first the mission of the order did not appeal to him but then he started learning more and more. Albion learnt Hemomancy, a nearly forgotten magic that allows one to use their own life source, blood, to summon powers of magic. It fascinated him and the pain from the practice of that craft actually helped him realize that he did not much care about it to the point where he actually started to like it. It meant a rush of a fight. Once he started doing so it became apparent that made his body naturally produce more blood to substitute for the blood he lost in training. Then the sacred but highly dangerous initiation to the order took place. The potion, made with the blood of a monster to make the blood hunter more powerful, was administered to him and few others. It was excruciating pain as his own blood got cursed, changed forever. Only two more people survived this process. The mission of theirs was in a way simple but complicated. To save the world from gods and creatures of inferno and undead they were to create a pact and bond with a ‘lesser evil’ to battle the greater one. Albion being an elf found his patron in Oberon, an Archfey also called the Green king or the Swordsman. Once that was done, equipped Albion was sent on smaller missions, taking care of an imp or two or a zombie. Those missions continued for a few years before he finally split off from the order. The change of power did not sit well with him. So he left. By that time he already heard about the Eternal Calm town and the Guild that was there.   At the Guild   As his travels took him to the famous guild it would have seemed that he came right around the time that a portal from Hells opened and the adventurers fought them off. He did not participate but instead went to the tavern and drank some wine as he watched them. It ultimately made him decide to join that place. Which will so happen to have been the best decision he could have made. Soon after joining he met a human woman called Kaz and a dwarven woman called Shizara. Next was Tris, the sorcerer whom he would tease whenever they saw one another. Slowly growing accustomed to the guild Albion felt he finally found his place to stay. He met many more people, along which was his friend and past ruler of the Mountain Kingdom Chu’Lahn and his dearest business partner, best friend and current fiancé, Cedric Ferous.   However, it all started with Kaz and Albion’s desire for new swords and fights. One thing led to another and eventually he met the half devil who would quickly become his dearest friend and a roommate. They would go on to become business partners and to care for one another more than they knew they could with their backgrounds.   During the time in the guild Albion got to fight a god of aberrations, Oro as well as the thing that gave him severe distrust and dislike towards lonely towers in the middle of forests, sheeps and people who like sheeps. Another group who he’d grow to hate would be the LaBure pirates who’s raided and destroyed his new home twice by this point. Especially since the first time he got mind controlled to fight his friends and the second they got the meteorites to hit the lands and caused a tsunami which nearly killed him and Cedric.
Character traits   Albion is usually self assured and cocky, rarely seen without smirk playing over his lips. In battle once his hemomancy comes into play he could seem almost obsessed with the adrenaline that comes with the fight itself, in those times he can even be seen as maniacal or aggressive. When it comes to the loved ones he is extremely possessive possibly given his past and being afraid of being left alone again. However, this warrants the fact that he is loyal to those he grows close to. He absolutely hates the fact that people cannot work in a team and construct a plan of action. It makes him easily annoyed.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity




Personality Characteristics


Albion is usually self-assured and cocky, rarely seen without a smirk playing over his lips. In battle, once his hemomancy comes into play he could seem almost obsessed with the adrenaline that comes with the fight itself. When it comes to the loved ones he is extremely possessive possibly given his past and being afraid of being left alone again.


Cedric Ferous

Husband (Vital)

Towards Albion Kirkwell



Albion Kirkwell

Husband (Vital)

Towards Cedric Ferous



Nicknames & Petnames

Salen Thiramen, Thiramin, Aestar, Little Elf

Relationship Reasoning

Work well together

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Casino Business Gold Gambling

Current Location
Date of Birth
15th of Sisil, 1191
Year of Birth
1191 EOC 124 Years old
Cedric Ferous (Husband)
Current Residence
The Jungle Kingdom
Ruby Red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Common Elvish


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