Cybernetic Android

Cybernetic Androids. Those who once may have been human but have chosen to chrome completely out and transfer their consciousness if it still exists to a fully autonomous body.   Different from Cybernetic Humans akin to the Chromed out Reaper gangs, Androids typically do not worship chrome, but desire immortality. Or, perhaps more realistically fear death.  
 I don't know why he saved my life. Maybe in those last moments he loved life more than he ever had before. Not just his life - anybody's life; my life. All he'd wanted were the same answers the rest of us want. Where did I come from? Where am I going? How long have I got? All I could do was sit there and watch him die.  
Deckard, Blade Runner
    Originally created for military use planetside allowing soldiers to transfer out of broken or torn up bodies, those who defected or successfully jailbroke their military contract protocols on the bodies spread out and began multiplying. Helping others make the transition wherever they could.   It wasn't long before the military could no longer contain the spread and gave up on stamping out the new species they had just inadvertently created.

Basic Information


Cybernetic Androids Come in many varietal shapes and sizes though most mirror Humans in structure.

Genetics and Reproduction

So far however no known 'true' androids have been 'born'. Only those transferring consciousness to an android body. Currently Android families simulate parenthood through KASPR creation of an 'Egg Child' which they immediately transfer to an infant sized android body upon birth. Many find the practice highly unethical but it is currently protected in some sectors of the megacity as religious practices. That doesn't stop many from persecuting or outright attacking androids on sight. Many Androids jump off planet to seek a more stable family life or opportunity without persecution similar to that enjoyed by Splicers who had previously jumped.

Growth Rate & Stages

They Do not grow. However, they do engage in a practice known as "Renewal" whereupon the family unit gathers as an android transfers into a new body. This happens most commonly at 5 year stages of early childhood development and continues into adulthood when desired.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Power supply, recyclers, Nutrient supplements (if necessary),

Biological Cycle

Androids, While not full robots, do still require a stable environment to function. They are just as succeptible to contaminants and temperature fluctuations as a human is. and require similar cybernetic implants or upgrades to deal with them. This is most often attributed to the fact androids still typically have some organic tissue processes that require oxygen or nutrients to function.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Homo Androides
Earth - Military Application
Related Ethnicities


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