Republic of Seripha Organization in Invasive Species | World Anvil
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Republic of Seripha

The Republic of Seripha has only just emerged from the burning ashes of the Continental War as a hopeful, idealistic foundation. It is by far the largest Lavennic member republic, stretching across a vast area from the torrid, rocky shores of the Amaranthine Sea in the north, south along meandering river valleys and drylands, all the way to the towering Merkosta mountains in the south. Its people and history have been long inseparably linked to that of the countless cultures to its south, and a long period of isolationism, jingoism and militarism burned through the core of Seripha and brought it into a fervent rage against its neighbours at attempts at "Purity". Originally a mostly barren wasteland, one of the few habitable regions of Al'Kharai that had yet to be colonised by Earth life, the arrival of the Skyborn brought new technology that could bring life to the barren wastes, if albeit tentative. Thus, a consortium of hardy and resilient Skyborn groups settled in the region once thought inhospitable. Where elsewhere the new cultures were divided, mixed, assimilated, or killed off, in Seripha vast numbers of them found a home.


Seripha, a vast land of undulating dunes and wastes, splotched with the greenish-blue tints of human civilisation, gradually massing toward the interior and north of the nation as a fertile expanse of plains and fields. Many of the New Culture invaders had settled in the vast, dry interior of the supercontinent and, with the last vestiges of their decaying technology, turned huge swaths of it into habitable land. For centuries, while empires all around them rose and fell, they remained divided as disparate clans. Some went south of the Merkosta mountains to create Feldbar, others rode the plains as raiders, and more still isolated themselves in fortified mountain dwellings along the craggy foothills of the Merkostas. The origin of Seripha as a nation state is one as colourful as it is bloody. Seen by outsiders as bloodthirsty but effective mercenaries, gradually a shared sense of kinship developed and an inter-clan forum of sorts developed around a fishing settlement on the river Lut. Eventually, this settlement would grow and become known as Lutenia.   As cooperation grew among the scattered clans, so too did ambition and animosity. Among the vast craggy foothills of the Merkostas, those clans who had taken to living within the rocky cliffs for safety had alligned themselves as a loose confederation, and their leadership sought to take their perceived birthright and unite the vast interior of the supercontinent. An idea for a nation state wasn't really in mind from the start, but rather the loose, almost religious idealism known as "Seripham", a mish-mash of earthbound ideologies that had been given an almost irredentist fervour for the idea of uniting all new cultures as one. It was this idea that sparked decades of war, subterfuge, and destruction from which the mountain confederation swept across the plains, took the delegates at Lutenia hostage, and gradually swept up the rest of the landmass like a tide.    It was out of this turmoil that the Grand Commissariat of Seripha was declared, with the former symbol of diplomacy and cooperation-- Lutenia-- now the citadel of a vast, oppressive regime. Those mountain clans had lived for centuries isolated and driven by intense xenophobia, desperately surviving. They brought that paranoia and desperation down on the rest of Seripha like an anvil, suppressing any sign of non-new culture ethnicity or any vestiges of old tribal bonds.

Demography and Population

Seripha is home to just under 34 million people, most of which are clustered around the dense urban areas of the Paldromo River and near the Amaranthine coast. Just under half of the entire population lives in these regions, with the rest of the nation left quite sparsely populated. This has always largely been the case, but the immense toll of the Continental War on Seripha has made the diaspora from the interior even more stark. The main cultural groups of Seripha are the descendants of the Skyborn, and Seripha is one of just a few nations to have an absolute majority of strictly Skyborn ethnicity. Settled in large numbers by the English speaking Skyborn cultures, along smaller numbers with those known as the Afrisi, Hellenic, Latinic and the Japonic cultures, Seripha is home to a large diaspora of ideals and traditions.

Duty and Valour

The flag represents the original 3
Founding Date
481 AGL
Geopolitical, Republic
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Power Structure
Economic System
Mixed economy
Legislative Body
Seriphanese Duma
Judicial Body
Supreme Council

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