
One of the founding Pact Nations, the Liscean Oligarchy's strengths lie in tradition, principles and co-existence with the natural world. Featuring prismatic mountains and tall tree-valleys with terrain that veers up and down, it is a verdant realm full of resplendent sights. It's home to chilly alpine environments, boreal forests and dangerous arcane phenomena - supernatural winds blow strong here, for better and for worse. Liscea has long struggled to keep a foothold due to these erratic and dangerous 'flaywinds', but its close bond with and trust of dragonlords has led to the Liscean peoples happily thriving despite this challenge.

Settlements are typically built in high locations, especially trees, that would be a nightmare for any kith architects to build upon without draconic aid. With the aid of dragons, however, who can carry great weights and fly them up to otherwise-precarious building sites, Liscean spire-cities and canopy-towns are abundant and suitably impressive.  
A typical Liscean 'canopy-town' houses a few thousand kith and up to fifty or so dragons, usually governed by one local Great House and its dragonlord.

Visually, the valleys of Liscea are famed for their 'fractral hour' - a period at both sundown and sunset wherein already strangely-coloured trees seem to become translucent, absorbing and refracting light into dazzling arrays of beautiful colours. This tends to occur in misty lowland regions where the weather is colder at sunrise and sunset. As such, it is a popular destination for pilgrims. Followers of Arcanic and Sardior, including many gem dragons and some drow willing to stomach sickening sunlight, pay homage here; not only at the fractal forests reminiscent of the splendour of Gem Dragons themselves, but they also mark several historical sites where the legions of Sardior's Mercy descended into the Underdark years ago.

Liscea is bordered to the north by the Glass Whispers, which suffers routine bouts of flaywinds that strip minerals from the soil. These winds leave behind cold stone mountain crags that resemble smoothed glass. Generally inhospitable and home to little fauna and largely inedible flora, Liscea's efforts to expand north have met with failure or only glacial progress for centuries. However, it does provide an excellent natural bastion against attacks from northern waters. Flying mounts, even dragons in the old days of dragoneering, would struggle to make the journey over across the Whispers even with well-stocked supplies, due to the high risks of being caught in lethal flaywinds without cover.  


Zyvantium, the Arboreal Reach

The capital city of Liscea, Zyvantium, is situated in the heart of a fantastically old and colossal Wyrdtree called Nedh Angharad (from Sylvan, "Beloved Father-Wood"). Grand marble edifices and visually stunning brick-and-wood architecture are hallmarks of the city, which is build both atop and within grand winding branches and cosy hollows.  
Because of its large contingent of historically-significant buildings and temples, Zyvantium's Amber Hearth district is a hotspot for travellers, tourists and foreign diplomats looking to immerse themselves in Liscean culture and history. Ironically, most businesses here cater most strongly towards non-native peoples as a result.

The city is home to 48,000 kith and 600 dragons, with thirty-four Great Houses having ancestral roots and presences within the districts. With a careful but nurturing attitude towards teaching kith to use magic, the dragonlords of Liscea house one of the precious few legal institutions for arcane education, Oëden-Knurat, in this city. It's located on the underside of one of the lowermost branches, wherein druidic gravitational magic allows kith to access it beside it being 'upside-down'. It is directly managed by the Vespire Conchord, a council of House-approved wizards and druids who work and manage magic within the city. This organisation is currently headed by Concordant Erinere of Arkeyshe, an ancient black dragoness. Their own head offices are also upside-down near to the most uppermost branchs, called the Pinnacle’s Eye.   The highest branches are generally reserved for the Riremeres, a district occupied by Houses of exceptional military readiness and prowess, wherein sky patrols are launched and conducted. While kith soldiers sometimes are ferried on the backs of dragons for brief transport, there are no bonded dragoneer pairs or arrangments for kith to fight on dragonback. Instead, non-dragon flying patrol units use the region's native giant raptors, such as eagles or owls, or more rarely royal griffons, as aerial mounts.

Kith Culture & Language

The most common varieties of kith in Liscea are elves, goliaths, gnomes and tortles; all relatively long-lived or hardy peoples. There is no caste system in place, though a slight veering towards different societal roles has emerged. Elves often become soldiers, goliaths become work and tradesmen, gnomes become scholars, and tortles become entertainers and minstrels. This is far from a clear or guaranteed trend, but it has become noticeable enough in recent centuries that groups have begun often leaning into their expected work roles.   Kith in Liscea are generally loyal to their dragonlords, and often feel a kinship and awe with them the same way they do the natural world around them. Many Lisceans see dragon rule as the kindness of powerful benefactors and guardians. This sentiment has deepened since the War of the Meadows, wherein heighbouring anti-dragonlord Sheicians conducted a brutal and bloody invasion of Liscea to 'liberate' them from their protectors.   Liscean is an Elvitic tongue, and the official spoken-and-written language of Liscea. Its parent language, Elvish, is less widely-spoken, though they share a written alphabet. Draconic is commonly used, and forms of Giant and Gnomish are present. Undercommon, which is slightly mutually intelligible with Liscean, is rarely used on the surface, but is often taught to diplomats and advisors to facilitate better communication with Undyrǣni neighbours.

Dragons in Liscea

Liscean values prize integrity, responsibility, selflessness and personal initiative. This descends in no small part from the nation's dragon populace, who are largely green, silver, bronze and black. These dragons are top of the pecking order, as in most Pact Nations, but generally see kith as young minds to be shepherded. Rather than rule through fear or intimidation, Liscean dragonlords prefer to encourage, reward and praise loyal servitude. Going above and beyond for a dragonlord doesn't go unnoticed here.   However, draconic influences in the culture don't stop there. Green dragons' penchant for trickery and manipulation has long become a core element of society here. Unlike most nations, the ability to effectively mislead and use others is actually considered a respectable and praise-worthy skill, and being deceived oneself is considered embarrassing and shameful. There's a strong notion that if one got away with fooling another, then they deserved whatever they got away with. However, the context of lies and manipulation is vital - while conmen are certainly impressive, there is little honour or status to be had in tricking others for wealth or fun. To Lisceans, the act of underhandedness itself is still a negative trait when it is either reckless or done solely for personal gain. What separates and elevates it to a virtue is selflessness in lying - doing so for a greater good. Lying, cheating, backstabbing for communal gain - especially for the benefit of the entire nation, in accordance with Liscean values - is seen as brave initiative-taking, and looked upon warmly as a heroic trait.   Liscean dragons are sometimes referred to by their foreign kin as 'half Wilders'. This is due to the practice of Denning; while the highest-ranking dragonlords and oligarchs (such as House heads) live in cities alongside kith, many lower-ranking dragons will prefer to create their own 'dens', akin to small lairs, out in nature. This is done to avoid feeling 'overcrowded' by little kith. Even some high-ranking dragons might occasionally moonlight in a den or two - the draconic equivalent of having a holiday home away from the city.   Wilder communities and Clans are common, but typically have amicable relations with their lording or 'City Clan' neighbours. The largest and most powerful City Clans in Liscea are Veriste, Pinnacle and Blackmoon. The most notable Wilder clans are Jadress, Nightshriek and Blisterclaw.  
Jaerathindryl, an adult green dragon of Clan Veriste, awakens from Dragonsleep in her tree hollow lair.

Great Houses and their Politics

Dragonlords in Liscea are the heads and leaders of Liscean Great Houses. Prominent and noble kith are considered honoured to be aides and attaches to a dragon's family, and comes with no shortage of prestigious titles and privileges. House culture here leans into tradition and longevity. The eldest Houses, especially those who have had one consistent family heading it for many centuries, tend to have the most political sway.   Houses form the basis of the nation's military, which values quality over quantity. Each House is responsible for training and maintaining a professional, permanent standing force of mixed dragon-and-kith soldiers. Both dragons and kith observe national service in Liscea, with the length of one's duty to their House being dependent on national need and expected threats. The typical length of service is 20 years for a short-lived kith and 40 years for a long-lived kith or dragons. However, citizens are encouraged and rewarded for voluntarily staying or re-enlisting into service even after their mandatory time is up. Soldiers and military personnel are well-paid, well-trained, well-equipped and deeply respected. Opportunities for social mobility and promotion are frequent, and parades with public festivals are common.   Captains generally answer to the House head themselves, who acts as the commander of their House forces and is sworn to act under the generalship of the Oligarchy. The Oligarchy, being the three oldest Houses in Zyvantium (House Xistrith, House Janssens and House Maesyl), directs the nation's forces and security as needed. Captains usually drill and train troops, but House heads also recruit and maintain small orders of dedicated knights and champions.   Liscea is far more aggressive militarily than they like to appear, and leap at opportunities to test their mettle against their neighbours - especially Bryn Shei, who routinely share diplomat incidents with Liscean nobles over who historically should have had what right to what territory. From this comes the Common phrase "a night in the cheouvre", meaning 'being stuck listening to people arguing over nonsense'.   Great Houses never die out in Liscea. Should a dragon heading a House die with no heir, the headship is legally passed down to any other dragon who makes a claim for the title. Whoever the claim goes to in such a situation is determined by the Oligarchy. Preference is given to dragons with exemplary military service and 'moral records'. Whilst this tends to dampen the impact of sudden power vacuums, there's been many a string of 'mysterious accidents' in the dragon families of particularly strong or old Houses.   Liscean Great Houses are acknowledged as the historical predecessor of Undyrǣn's own Great House culture, though similarities between the two are beginning to dwindle as centuries pass.  

Dragoneering Heritage

The Liscean dragon-riding heritage is as storied as it is rich, and was the origin of both the chovhalier (Windguard) and oureghen (Zephyr) traditions. Liscea's dragonrider forces were akin to proud knightly orders, and the bond of rider and dragon was a celebrated and special occasion; becoming was an honour only decorated soldiers could apply for. The process of Impressing on the 'right' wyrmling taken seriously enough that a soldier could be removed from active duty of up to 30 years while they searched good pairing opportunity.
Dragoneering pairs from Liscean weyrs were generally well-armoured, and favoured the use of lances and warbows. The rider was expected to play as much of a role in defending their bonded dragon as likewise even despite the size and strength difference, which is often considered to be a carryover from 'honourable House knight' culture.
Though Liscea had great pride in its dragoneers and was not happy to see them go, they nonetheless became one of the most vocal voices in the dissolution of dragoneering orders following the War of the Meadows. Bryn Shei had stolen many dragon eggs from Liscea to create their own dragoneering units and committed numerous document war crimes against Liscean citizens with them. At first, Liscea insisted that only Bryn Shei be made to disband their weyrs. However, it quickly became clear that the Sheicians would refuse to do so and return to hostile relations unless there was a widespread effort to decommission the terrifying dragon-riding units on all sides.    



Origins and Founding

[Unfinished - Coming soon!]  

The War of the Meadows

[Unfinished - Coming soon!]

"Len Gais Égoïstes, Prédis Lonsois" (from Liscean: "Personal Gain Begets Collective Defeat")

Liscean National Heraldry
Founding Date
403, Age of Renewal
Alternative Names
The United Houses of Liscea, the Verdant Oligarchy
Related Species

Military Alliance (Pact Nations)

Liscea and Undyrǣn are long-standing cultural and military allies, and enjoy warm relations. However, in recent centuries - and especially recent decades - some threads have started to fray over old grudges. Liscea, especially, is losing respect for its cousin nation.   Undyrǣn Attitude: Appreciates Long-Running Support
Liscea is one of the few nations that has provided continual financial and economic support to fund Undyrǣn's war against Blight, all the way back since the under-nation's inception. In fact, it is the only nation that still provides this support today without questioning the Blight threat's legitimacy. This, along with having culturally descended from Liscean soldier-nobility, means that most Undyrǣni tend to have a positive view of Liscea and its way of running things.   Liscea Attitude: Worried About Corruption
Ever parading their moral grandstanding and pristine honour codes, Liscea has long respected Undyrǣn and seen them as heroic martyrs for the world's safety. However, they haven't failed to noticed Undyrǣn's gradual societal shift from Liscean values. The usage of unarmoured soldiers as cheap cannon fodder irks them somewhat. The distance of Matriarchs and cosy royalty from the 'real fighting' underground bothers them more. What really makes Liscea unhappy is the direction Underdark Great House culture has gone - knives in the dark, smoke-and-mirrors, all for solely personal gain. Watching the Drow Houses compete so viciously with each other has Liscea wondering if they can trust Undyrǣn to continue their noble duty without 'guiding intervention' for much longer.

Non-Aggression Pact

Bryn Shei
Liscea and Bryn Shei teeter on the edge of returning to cold war relations. Both sides have invaded and brutalized the other before. Occasional diplomatic and security incidents on the borders of these neighbouring nations are frequent, and constantly threaten to erupt into violent skirmishes. While peace has, against all odds, been maintained for over 300 years, many believe it is only a matter of time before one barking dog bites the other.   Bryn Shei's Attitude: Feeling Infantilized
Sheicians bemoan that it took a war as horrific and bloody as the War of the Meadows to be taken seriously by Liscea. While they are less outright hated than Makain and Naedor, where dragons are even more snooty and superior in lording over kith, Bryn Shei finds Liscea's 'shepherding' attitude of kith an abhorrent and convenient lie to retain dragon power, whilst also being extremely insulting. Though unable to win an open war against Liscea due to the Pact Nations being allied against Bryn Shei, many Sheicians idealistically dream of 'freeing' their unfortunate, oppressed Liscean neighbours from their scaled overlords.    Liscea Attitude: Feeling Disrespected
Liscean lords do not like Bryn Shei at all. Sheician war crimes against Liscea in the War of the Meadows shocked and horrified many Lisceans. Due to many Liscean kith being long-lived, for much of the nation, the memories and wounds still feel very fresh. Liscean dragonlords often advocate that Bryn Shei needs to be brought to heel through force first, then gently tended to after to show them how misguided they've been in their mistrust and hate of dragonkind... and to show them just how much chaos they've caused in their stubbornness to be 'free' of such kindness and care.


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