Corthits Settlement in Iphars | World Anvil


Corthits is a settlement located in the east of Branul. They produce a special poison extracted from a species of birds called Viriik.


While this village is mostly inhabitated by Humans and Kreanes, the species that are more common in Corthits are the Viriik.
Most humans in Corthits are believers of Riox, and most of Kreanes are Larvaes.


This village is governed by two people, a follower of Riox and a Larvaes. There are two persons governing the village so most of the inhabitants desires are fulfilled.


While most of this village has the common infrastructures that one can find in village, it also have a special building (called Virkur) where Viriik have nests on top, and on the bottom, the Gliik is extracted from the Viriik that nest on top of the building. Besides, everywhere in the village, one can find nests of Viriik on high places.


This town was builded within the Viriik territory, at first respecting distance with the birds. After gaining some respect from the birds, the villagers started building nearer the nests and started to exctract the Gliik from them. Nowadays, this city is famous for this product, but it is rarely visited as Viriik are territorial animals.

Natural Resources

This village main resource is the poisonous spit that Viriik use as a defence and to create their nest. This poison is a potent adhesive when dries up and by then, it has lost the poisonous aspect and thus is secure to use. To maintain it as liquid and this poisonous, it is required to be always warm, and this is usually done by keeping it near Lake of Kugrum.
This resource is called Gliik and it has two main uses: as adhesive for buildings (and Viriik nests), and as poison to kill (or defensive method for Viriik).
This article requires editing. If you are interested in it, let me know either in Discord (such as in my discord or in my DMs) or as a comment here.
Promtp 23: Describe a settlement that is famous for a particular resource, product or item created there.
Alternative Name(s)
Home of Viriik
900 aprox
Location under

Cover image: by Vertixico


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