Ennoid Geographic Location in Iphars | World Anvil


Ennoid is a 126 km long island in the middle of the Minithir sea. In it, one can find: Themler forest, Findra plains, Findra table, and Kishidu.


Ennoid geography is pretty simple. The island it all a big plains called Findra plains with its sourth covered with the Themler forest and with a meseta called Findra table. The island is mostly a grassland (where the findra grassland and table are) except the south, which is covered by a tropical seasonal forest (Themler forest). But while the surface of the island is pretty simple, the underground is complex, full of caves that connect between them all, creating a complex undergound labyrinth that has never been fully mapped, called Brie's caves.

Findra plains

It is a big plain grassland surrounding the Findra table, that covers most of the island.

Findra Table

Findra table is a meseta found in the middle of the Findra plains that is 300 meters high.

Clima & biome

Ennoid clima is hot all year. Most of the year the temperature is around 20 celsius degrees, while in summer and spring its around 30 celsius degrees. Highest temperature is at 40 celsius degrees, but can only happen in summer and its rare for it to go up that high.
Humidity here is pretty high, summer is the most humid season, with humidity being over 70%; spring and fall have the humidity level at around 50%; winter usually has it around 30%.
The island is mostly a grassland (where the findra grassland and table are) except the south, which is covered by a tropical seasonal forest (Themler forest).
This article is in order to be re-written, either to fit worldbuilding style, to change structure of article, or to fit updated lore. If you are interested in it, let me know either in Discord (such as in my discord or in my DMs) or as a comment here.
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Findra is the godess of fire, and it is believed that she called this island her home for some times (making up an excuse of why more than half island as less vegetation than the Themler forest.
It is believed that Findra table was the table of the goddess because lots of skeletons were found in the meseta (even it probably was the rest of carnivorous and scavenger birds).

Fauna & flora


Most of the flora (and where most species can be found) are located in the Themler forest, having from tall trees, to bushes, flowers, vines, etc. Findra plains has a couple of species of trees, but its main flora is its bushes and grass.


In the Themler forest there are a lot of feline species, small birds, insects, snakes, frogs and small mammals. The Findra plains its mostly felines (while most of them are differents that the ones in Themler forest, there are a couple of species living in both sides), four legged mamals, and carnivorous and scavangers birds (they are mostly found in the Findra table though).


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