Pasha Character in Iphars | World Anvil


Bedalk Pasha

Pasha, a heroe and protector of Ialin, leader of Tashan and one of the last Dagetel.


Pasha has two pairs of horns growing from their forhead, long ears that they can move at will, an eye is fully black while the other has a dark iris with a white pupil. Their legs are goat-like and has a tail with spikes that end up in arrow form. Their hands have claws and their wings are part magical, only the pale part are theirs, the rest are magical and can change the colours at will. Black markings cover parts of his skin, but some people rumor that Pasha hasn't always had them.


While she has been seen with Pasha in multiples occasions, no one knows her name and if tried to speak to her, she only speaks Iaganid which is barely know, and always with covered arms and long skirts.
When asking Pasha about her, they talk about her as their wife who comes from the other world but almost nothing is said about her or her past,
In truth, she is an Efral, but they hid that detail as there are many Naphilian in the town they rule. And the markings on her face are tattoos that Pasha themselves did to mark her as theirs.


When both worlds collided during The dawn of magic, Pasha saved many lives with their magic, including Melgent, Ialin, Radent and many other species. For this, people looked at them as a hero.
When the Melgent found themselves in this world (Iphars), Pasha did their best to create a place where Melgent without wings could live in and thus creating Tashan, a mining town which has been surviving since then with the small farms splattered around the town and what they win by selling rocks, minerals, and metals they find. Everyone treated them as the major of the city, but as they wanted to give other people an oportunity to be the major, they created the Bedalk title, which can only be obtained by defeating the actual Bedalk (Pasha actually).
With time Tashan was getting rich but the villagers, who had only worked since it was created, asked for fun, and the town Xipho was created to please the villagers and any tourist that wanted to have fun.
Current Location
Currently Held Titles
The other world
A full black one
A black iris and white pupil
Short, half blond, half brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale with black marks
1.84 m or 6 feet
67 kg or 147 lbs
Ruled Locations
While Pasha had been trying to be looked as a heroe in Iphars, back in their homeworld, they were not as good. Pasha got their markings by fighting Echo with the help of their good old friend Ilmas. Echo had helped them both to heal as they found Pasha and Ilmas wounded and almost dead. And when both recovered, they fought Echo while escaping with one of Echo's precious animals. Pasha got their skin slightly corrupted by magic, giving him the black markings, and his wings got destroyed except the bone part and while they did not escape with the animal, they managed to steal a cursed sword. Ilmas lost her right hand and right eye and escaped with nothing but a mechanical arm that she tried to steal to sell.
Back to Iphars, Pasha is not the good person they appear as. The Efral they have is mentally tortured each time they remember something from their past and is used as a slave for make Pasha have fun.

Cover image: by Verti


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Jul 23, 2021 12:31 by JRR Jara

Hmmm I'll label them as suspicious. I'll wait to have a full verdict.

Creator of Hanzelot and many more.
Jul 23, 2021 20:59 by Catoblepon

Your honor, this one is sus

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Jul 23, 2021 20:55 by Avalon Arcana

*sqints* I'm keeping my eye on "her".

You should check out the The 5 Shudake, if you want of course.
Jul 23, 2021 21:00 by Catoblepon

her? she's fiiinneeee....

Visit Daeliha, Iphars, Khulgran & Shattered
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