
Tashan is a city in *insert location*, ruled actually by a Bedalk (Pasha owns the title nowadays), and its a mining town who sells stone for construction, a wide variety of minerals, and metals (mostly iron and Niksta). In Tashan there is also the main base of the Bluefeathers, they major magical organization in Iphars that is not on floating islands.


Tashan is a town with a wide variety of species (althought most of them are Melgent that are unable to fly as the town was founded for them).

  • Kids 47%
  • Adults 48%
  • Elders 5%


The town is ruled by a Bedalk, which with help of some other people, controls the town.


As it is situated at the bottom of a cliff and next to the sea, it has a wall covering the half of the town that is not naturally defenced with geography.

Industry & Trade

The town sells stone to construct (which they get from doing mines), minerals that they find while minning for iron and Niksta, iron and Niksta.
Their main seller right now are the magical minerals they find (as many normal minerals obtained magic after The dawn of magic) and the Niksta to the Naphilian.

Guilds and Factions

The Bluefeathers have their main base in this town and they founded here too. They are an organization that are studying what are (if there are) the magical differences between Iphars and their world.


Founded about 43 years ago by Pasha and a group of homeless Melgent unable to fly, they worked hard to create a place to live. With the pass of time, other Melgent and other species have joined the cities making it grow. The founder families help Pasha rule the town.
The town started surviving with crops and after everyone was healthy (many of them were injured because The dawn of magic), they started to mine in the cliff, hoping for something to sell so they could improve their lives. This has been what made the town survive and prosper.
Since a couple of years ago, crime has started to appear in the town, brought by Ilmas.
Founding Date
43 years ago
Large town
Inhabitant Demonym
Ruling/Owning Rank
Characters in Location
Related Materials
Map placeholder

Cover image: by Verti


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