Emila Gray the Red Flame

Ealdorman Emila Gray

Emila was one of many in a long line of women to rule over Woldenshire. Her intensity on the field of battle was unmatched. She earned the name Red Flame for this exact reason. When she was young she was married to Isaac Brun of the Brun family. She would later have three children with Isaac. But in the heat of the Great War Emila found another, one she truly cared for. Who this man is no one knows but they met when they were both fighting in The Great War. She had an affair with this man and had his child. Despite being a bastard Emila gave her name to the bastard daughter, Hera Gray.   For as great a ruler as she became Emila almost caused the end of her line. For most of her early years she was uncappable of producing children. Her and Isaac conceived many children but they were all stillborn. Her mother brought in dozens of healers and mages but nothing seemed to help, but in 2051 god finally granted her the gift of being a mother. What exactly changed in her is unknown. Some say it was merely a blessing others say darker deeds are responsible. Whatever the cause after the birth of her eldest daughter Syndri she had no problem making children.


Emila Gray the Red Flame

Lover (Important)

Towards Unknown





Towards Emila Gray the Red Flame



Emila Gray the Red Flame


Towards Isaac Brun

Isaac Brun


Towards Emila Gray the Red Flame

2024 2076 52 years old
Unknown (Lover)
Isaac Brun (spouse)
Aligned Organization