Faelin Ularic Character in Ire | World Anvil

Faelin Ularic

Emperor Faelin Ularic (a.k.a. Eldest Brother/Gold-Hammer)

Emperor Faelin Ularic was the one that founded elven empire and was the first Emperor. Until the war he took council from the Dragon Riders but when the human threat loomed he forced them to pick a side. Since they would not he turned against them and drove them out of Tir Orail. It was his pride and vanity that took him from life when he dueled Filavandrel Hero of The Vale.   Faelin was the first elf to ever take physical form. From the first days he acted as a leader to his people in exploring the new world, and with his immense magical power they spanned across the land. As hold began to rise, lords were appointed, but every lord has differnet laws, and differnet enemies. So the Elves decided they needed one ruler to oversee the minor lords. There were three canadities: Vaelock, Faelin Ularic, and Artwen-The Scholar. In the end it was Faelin that rose to take the Elven throne.   in 1029 Faelin secured an alliance with the Dragon Riders of Sun's Landing. This would later prove to be usefull when the Creed War began. At the order of the Emperor, thousands died by dragon. At the end of the war the Faelin decended with the Riders on the Creed's temple and scattered it to the wind. Sadly however this pact with the Dragon Riders would end after Faelin's death in 2057  

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Founded the Elven Empire
  • Sunk 300,000 soldiers into the ground
  • Slowed Ire's rotation for 30 minuetes
  • Defeated Vaelock-The Chosen in combat
  • Founded the silk trade in Tir Orail
  • Made an alliance with the Dragon Riders

Failures & Embarrassments

  • Failed to conquer the Dwarves
  • Lost a duel to Filavandrel-The Traitor
1 2057 2056 years old
Circumstances of Death
Slain by Filavandrel-The Traitor
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I was born to unite this land under God. I am his shepard; his gladiator."
Founded Settlements
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