Mytal Alari Settlement in Ire | World Anvil

Mytal Alari

Mytal Alari was first constructed in in 809 but underwent many upgrades over the next twenty years. It is known as the Emerald City and it spans for miles across the hills. Today it is the capital of Tir Orail, and is ruled over my Emperor Glanduil Ularic, but it was his grandsire that built it. King Faelin Ularic was one of many kings that controled the land, but as violence and hatred escalated the Kings agreed to hold a great council and hold a vote for a High King, an Emperor. Over 200 claims came forth but only three were actually considered. King Faelin, King Vaelock, and Artwen-the Scholar. As we know Faelin was chosen and from that day forth he dedicated his time to growing the city and the Empire it gaurded.   The city has been sieged thrice before. Twice in the Creed War it was attacked by Vaelock and his cult, but both times Vaelock failed. Hundreds of years later it was sieged by the Human King Titus, and he to failed. The city gaurd are the finest in the country and often enforce the law with an iron fist.

Industry & Trade

Mytal Alari is home to the West Silk Company, the biggest exporter of Silk on the continent. They have a great factory in Mios Square. The Hunter's guild also often runs through the city to trade what they kill.
Founding Date
Large city

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