
Furt guards the southern part of the Vandrel River and guards the cliffs along the border between The Vale and the Desert, and it is the capital of Furtinshire. It is home to the Eberson house and is ruled by Ealdorman Kane Eberson, and bares the banner of the silver boar.   The Eberson family is large and quite wealthy. They have earned this wealth over generations by controlling a vast quarry of Crism that sits just outside of Furt's walls. The city trains mages in The House of Lokstin so that they can harvest the crism. It is a slow process to mine it but even just a little is worth a lot. The Ebersons have rebelled against the crown twice in the past. First in 1021, they attempted to starve Xares but were defeated by the soldiers of Rainholm and again in 2015. They rebelled against the crown when the humans were driven out of The Vale. They had semi success the second time. They were defeated but many of their demands were met.   Furt was founded as a village in 234 by Eadric-The Hog, son of Eber. As Furt grew larger and larger so did Eadric's ego and power. In 241 of the Beginning age, Eadric unfurled a great banner from a top his home. It was a silver boar on a teal backing.* He announced himself as King Eadric Eberson, and all the land he had conquered his kingdom. Alas the Great Kingdom of Furt was not to last. In 244 the King was set upon by Ratmen while on a procession. The "kingdom" did not last long after his death. Hundreds of years later and Furt would eventually join under a new king, Bulaguard the Bear, and since then Furt has, mostly, always been part of The Vale.
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