Aden Eberson, Champion of Furt

Aden Eberson was his father's first born and was set it inherit Furtinshire and Furt. Yet Aden denounced his claim to his father's lands and gave it to his brother Kane. When Furt was being ravaged by a werewolf Aden stepped forward to stop it. His brother's men tried but they were cut to ribbons. Aden drew his blade against the beast and slayed it. For this deed his brother named him Champion of Furt. Aden serves in his brother's Oathgaurd and protects him to this day.   Aden always fought with honor and Valor, bringing his family fame each time. He has never feared no man nor monster, but perhaps his lack of fear is what did him in. During the Dragon's Duel he himself dueled Ealdorman Veli Riderson's best solider, the Demon Snake of the South, Essus. It was against the Demon Snake that Aden Eberson met his end, if only he had lasted a little while longer everything might have been different for him.  


Aden Eberson, Champion of Furt


Towards Rayya



Towards Aden Eberson, Champion of Furt

Current Location
Date of Death
17th of Trinast 2082
2053 2082 29 years old
Circumstances of Death
Slain by Essus the Demon Snake
Rayya (spouse)
Light blue
Black with grey flecks
Aligned Organization
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