King Faron Character in Ire | World Anvil

King Faron

King Faron Ursain (a.k.a. The Usurper)

King Faron almost was not King, and even though he in the end got the crown, it was not without much bloodshed. Faron was the second son of King Arin, his father. His brother Prince Rolant was heir to the Valian throne, but Faron hated his brother, he believed Rolant to be mad, and believed if his brother became King the Vale would surely suffer. Through coin and whispers Faron gained support from other lords and ladies of the court. Eventually his father learned of his treachery and banished him from Xares, but Faron only used this to his advantage. He went to every hold to gain supporters, he planted the seeds of doubt in the Ealdorman's heads, some of these seeds grew and some didn't. However during his banishment his father caught the Root and died. Rolant ascended to the throne   Furtinshire was the first to join Prince Faron's side. With the Ealdorman of Furt at behind him Faron returned to Xares with an army. He demanded his brother's surrender and for him to relinquish the throne to him. Rolant did no such thing. He had his own force outside the city waiting for his brother, this would later be name the Battle of The Bears, the start to a civil war. Faron would loose this battle but he would not be truly defeated.   Faron set his eyes on Rainholm next, he would need their horses and support to win the war. The Ealdorman Athelstan agreed to support Faron under one condition, he was to marry Vesiverus, Athelstan's daughter. They two were wed shortly after and Faron had a bigger army, two of the three hold were now supporting his claim. This only outraged Rolant more, and his use of force became more wild and bloody. Faron only used that to his advantage   Woldenshire, still loyal to King Rolant attacked Rainhold after hearing of their betrayal. In the Battle at Small river Woldenshire slaughtered Rainhold men, but this was planned by Faron. He had the Golden Horde meet Woldenshire in battle to distract them while Furtinshire men stole into Wolden. With their capital taken Woldenshire was in a bad position, Faron made a deal, The city would be returned to Ealdorman Fiona and her and her children would keep their lives so long as she pledged herself to Faron. The Ealdorman with no other choice agreed. All of The Vale's holds were now united under Prince Faron   The only thing left for Faron was to take Xares and force his brother off of the throne, but instead of laying siege to the city Faron had another plan. He went to the Locklins, a coven of powerful witches and wizards and once more offered a deal. If they helped the Prince they could name any price they wished. They requested that Faron's first child would marry one of their children. So with the Locklins behind him Faron was ready to strike. He had the coven teleport him and his army directly into the third district of the city, they attacked from the inside out. The King's forces were caught off guard and were butcherd in the streets. Faron made his way into Castle Brun and to his brother, with the Ealdormen of The Vale and Ramsay Locklin at his back.   The Knights of 13 stood outside the King's bedroom, swords drawn and ready to fight, but Knight Captain Sir Aerys ordered them to stand down and he let them into the throne room.   King Rolant rose from his bed. He stood there in nothing but his boxers. He pulled a knife from his desk and held it close. Sir Aerys took the knife, grabbed the King and threw in the dungeon. Aerys performed the rite, naming Prince Faron of The Vale to be King Faron of The Vale and Protector of Men. Rolant would later be brought to trial and sentenced to death. When King Faron had his first child Prince Silus he held to his word and married him to a Locklin girl. Faron spent the rest of his rule trying the put the land back to peace after his war.    


King Faron


Towards Queen Vesiverus Trueborn

Queen Vesiverus Trueborn


Towards King Faron

1900 1988 88 years old
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I wish it could have been different. If there had been any other path I would have taken it, but the lives of my people were at risk, and when the stake are so high what one wants becomes unimportant."
Aligned Organization