Sunianism Organization in Ire | World Anvil


Sunianism is the worship of the one true God, or also known as the Light God or the Sun God. Sunians value order, strength, unity. and peace. Sunians believe that if they worship and honor God than he will protect them from the blight of the Dark God, that he will heal all their sickness, heal all wounds and protect against all dangers. A Sunian attends church to learn about and worship god. The church of the Holy Sun is the largest church to God ever built, and the church as a large power hold in The Vale. Humans are not the only ones who practice Sunianism, it is quite common in Tir Orail as well.   Sunians while valuing peace have had a bloody history with the Heden people, pagans they call them. In 2064 the Church launched a campaign driving the Heden people out of the Vale, a whole civil war broke out due to this.