Landon Amos Character in Ire | World Anvil

Landon Amos

Landon Amos was born with a common name and nothing to said name. So he decide to lead a band of mercenaries into the Malpine woods and take a ragged fort the Ratmen had constructed. He succeeded and repaired and fortified the fort. He discovered the Ratmen had been hording Barley in the fort, and so he named it Barley Fort. Landon claimed to be ruler of the Malpine Woods and Ealdorman of The Vale. At first he was taken as a joke. When he sought and audience with King Titus his claim was denied, he would not be an Ealdorman of The Vale.   Landon did not give up however. He went back home and denied the King's orders to turn the fort over to Furtinshire. Instead he swore fealty to Ambrose Eberson of Furt, so long as he could stay a lord inside the fort. Ambrose agreed and an alliance had begun. It would come apart quickly however. Landon had his men try to poison the Ealdorman of Greenhaven, which resulted in war.   When Greenhaven's forces came he and his family defended the fort, and they did it well. But Landon had made a mistake, the Ealdorman he tried to have killed was Circi of Greenhaven. Daughter of Filavandrel Hero of The Vale. She unleashed wrath upon the fort. The flames of her raged seared the fort to the ground and the Amos family with it.   


Landon Amos


Towards Ruby



Towards Landon Amos

Ruby (spouse)
Quotes & Catchphrases
"A true Lord is not born, he is made."
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