Lord Mordred Character in Ire | World Anvil

Lord Mordred

(a.k.a. The Cruel)

Morded is patron to the most powerful vampire family in Ire. He is also Lord of the vampire court. He and his daughter Lilith are original vampires made by the Dark One. Over the years he grew his family and was eventually able to take the seat as lord from Lord Vlad.   Where Vlad wanted power and conquest for his people Mordred wants secrecy and shadows, to be forgotten, so that his people can hunt in peace. He is a High Vampire, the strongest breed. He has thrown away all aspects of humanity, he detests the small people and holds himself higher than them. Even his love for his own daughter has faded over the years, but is Mordred has any of the man he used to be inside of him, his love will never fully die.   He wears several enchanted rings that enhance his power and carries an enchanted sword given to him by Dark One Spitta.   "His hair was black and stringy, his skin a rotting grey. His eyes were to grey, as if the color had been sucked right out of them. He had on black lipstick and fitted black robes. He put down his chalice and smiled, if you can even call it that... His hands were ice, with no pulse. His nails were long and jagged and his breath was rank and his teeth were crusted with blood."-King of Blood    



Lover (Vital)

Towards Lord Mordred



Lord Mordred

Lover (Trivial)

Towards Lenore



Lord Mordred


Towards Illianne



Towards Lord Mordred

Year of Birth
946 1137 Years old
Illianne (spouse)
Quotes & Catchphrases
“You would challenge me, little worm! I am Mordred the Cruel, Lord of the Court and crusher of the weak! You could have a thousand swords and none would cut me!”

Articles under Lord Mordred