
The Dark One (a.k.a. The Imp)

There have been many Dark Ones throughout history, all who are known for great but terrible deeds, which are recorded, yet so little is known about the current Dark One. Since taking the power Ravmoor has worked from the shadows, remaining hidden. Where as many Dark Ones have been hell bent on terrorizing and conquering, Ravmoor works in secret to reach his own goals.   When he is seen for anything it is very short, except for one time. When the hero Filavandrel's daughter was in search of magical answers Ravmoor approached the girl, he offered to teach her magic, and all he knew. He did indeed take the girl under his wing and taught her all manner of magic for many years. That was his last confirmed action, everything else is unconfirmed reports. One woman reported seeing him in Greenhaven after his protégé was murderd. Some report seeing him containing a wyvern and one snake reported seeing him wandering the Desert wastelands. No one knows if these reports, if any are true. The Dark One has been feared for over a thousands years and everyone is jittery when the subject is brought up.   What Ravmoor is planning is unknown, but many officials worry he is building up to something devastating. The only woman who might of had a clue what his end goal is died years ago.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

"I don't know how to explain it. Everything he did was a little off. The way he spoke, the way he moved, it was always seemed a little crooked. His eyes, there was always something hidden behind them, and every now and then he would just, well freeze and stare off into the distance before snapping back to it. I knew the Imp for years and every time I was near him I was always uncomfortable." -Circi of Greenhaven


While no one knows how old Ratican actually is we do know he took the Darkness in 2060 as he broke free the Dark One that Filavandrel fought to seal away, and Ratican has been the Dark One ever since.


Circi-The Black Dragon

Student (Vital)

Towards Ravmoor




Teacher (Important)

Towards Circi-The Black Dragon



Current Residence
Long, straight & brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white