Circi-The Black Dragon


Circi is the daughter of Filavandrel and the twin of Veli of Greenhaven. Ever since she was a child she had a fondness and talent for magic. This later turned her down a dark path. In her quest for power she became the magical student of The Dark One. The Dark One showed her to much and she decided she deserved more. When her childhood friend found out about this she killed him to keep the secret. However her father still found out and banished her from Greenhaven forever. Circi was not done however. Six months later she ambushed her brother while he was fighting in a tournament and nearly killed him. Circi's father nearly killed her that night but she managed to get away. A 3 years later she made her move. Veli had gone away to train and so she lead a pagan army to the shores of Greenhaven. She offered them powerful magic, in turn, they gave her an army. Circi's army took the town and she confronted Filavandrel once again. This time however she fully embraced her dark magic and turned it against her father. She struck him down and brought his legend to an end. Over the next year she built a masked cult devoted to killing dragons. And they did.    In her time as Ealdorman she launched a war between the Green Hold and Furt. It was a quest for conquest. It was in this war she was given the name, The Black Dragon.    She eventually did meet her end when her brother returned to the town's walls with an army of his own. She faced her brother in a great a terrible battle that leveled half of the town. She lost however and was beheaded by Veli. Despite this her cult hunts dragons down to this day and her followers remain devoted.   In her time as Ealdorman she got married and had a child. Her son Borus is the current Ealdorman and her legacy lives on.  

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Killed Filavandrel Hero of The Vale in single combat
  • Sieged Greenhaven
  • Defeated the dragon Kuthu-Warbringer
  • Melted an entire stone fortress and everyone inside during the Dim Night
  • Created a brand new elemental

Failures & Embarrassments

  • Banished from her home at 15
  • Was passed up as heir
  • Killed her best friend in cold blood
  • Failed to learn the family gift
  • Lost her husband
  • Lost her life in a duel with Veli


Circi-The Black Dragon

Lover (Vital)

Towards Gwain Oath-Breaker



Gwain Oath-Breaker

Lover (Vital)

Towards Circi-The Black Dragon



Circi-The Black Dragon

Student (Vital)

Towards Ravmoor




Teacher (Important)

Towards Circi-The Black Dragon



Date of Birth
22d of Trinast, 2045
2045 2068 23 years old
Place of Death
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Why of course not...I would never presume to give orders to the great farmer lord. You have illegally appropriated a fort and unfortunately for you it sits right in-between Furtinshire and Greenshire, you truly could not have chosen more poorly. You need to pick a side Amos. Should a war break out you are either with the Ebersons or with us. You are here, because I wanted to hear from you personally, that you are with us."

Articles under Circi-The Black Dragon