Svein Dragon-Blood Character in Ire | World Anvil

Svein Dragon-Blood


Before the days of The Empire, Reshire and the land around it was ruled over by King Svein Dragon-Blood. He was an iron King; a bloody King. When King Louis Ducal married the woman of his ire he sent an assassin after Ducal's son. In the morn the father was presented with the boy's head, with a decleration of war carved into his face. On the battlefield Svein roasted his foes and friends alike, for his flames were to wild to control. More oft than not he would be the only one left on the field. It is becasue of this power that many belive his boast that he decends from the Great-Dragon Valior.   In 888 BA Svein would recive a letter that made him furious. All the Kings were meeting in Mytal Alari to discuss peace. The King roared and protested. He was recored to have said, "My peace will come when my banners fly on every tower!" It was his son Solas that conviced him to go. Only then did he go, and he went to demand the world.   Yet Svein found this hard once in the council. It was not just King's present--It was mages, druids, peasants, and everyone else. This was not peace they were discussing, it was fealty. To none other than the King of Mytal Alari himself, Faelin Ularic. Every soldier, and every mage around them for a mile wore Ularic's colors. Svein then went pale when he looked to the floor, a magic blocking seal--The Kings were trapped.    Since this was disquesed as a council the other King's put foward two names of their own, Svien put foward himself, but the other Kings named Vaelock, and Artwen, but what they did not know was that Faelin had already installed loyal elves in the other Kingdoms. In the case of Reshire it was Solas that had pledged to Faelin. When the votes came they were all for Faelin. His first act of Emperor were to remove the Three Kings and install Samrans. Reshire went to Solas Draconis, Dekus Linral went to Samael Dowager, and Thalas went to Uranor Silversmith. Two days later Svein, and the other Kings were put to death.
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