Solas Draconis Character in Ire | World Anvil

Solas Draconis

Samran (a.k.a. Blood-Iron)

Solas is one of the first elves, born at the beginning of the world he has survived all the wars and conflicts of Elven history. He founded the Draconis family and the city of Reshire, which he ruled over to this day. In 1012 select members of his family left the city and their name to form the Dragon Riders. While some might see this as a betrayal it did not bother Solas at all. He kept in good standing with the Dragon Riders and the two were allies until the Great War.   Solas has seven children, six pure bloods elves and one half elf. He appointed his children as his advisors and dictators of the city. In 2005 Solas left the city in the hands of his children and went on a journey to The Vale out of nowhere. No one knows what he did in The Vale but when he returned his skin was much paler than before, it is almost grey. He also became more of an aggressive ruler when he returned.   Loosing the city to the Creed of Light was Solas's greatest failure. So when the time came to retake the city Solas himself dueled and killed the new Samran Beriene to restore some of his honor.    

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Solas is in peak physical health. He's faster, stronger, and more durable than any elf. He can swing his two-handed sword Grievance in a single hand.

Mental characteristics

Morality & Philosophy

"The right decison is the one that helps the most people, no matter the cost."- Solas


Solas Draconis


Towards Morvane Draconis

Morvane Draconis


Towards Solas Draconis

Solas Draconis


Towards The Flaming Dancer

The Flaming Dancer


Towards Solas Draconis

Samael Dowager

Bitter Rival

Towards Solas Draconis


Solas Draconis

Bitter Rival

Towards Samael Dowager


Year of Birth
1 2082 Years old
Morvane Draconis (spouse)
Thin and white
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale grey skin
Quotes & Catchphrases
"We don't need dragons. For we have Blood and Iron."
Ruled Locations

Articles under Solas Draconis