The Creed War/ Vaelock's Rebellion

In 1105 of the Harsh Age a elf by the name of Vaelock rebelled against the Elven Empire. He founded The Creed of Light and launched his campaign. This war would be one of the bloodiest the Elves ever had. The fighting consisted of more magic than steel, because of this the calamity was unspeakable. Vaelock started the rebellion under the belief that he was God's chosen and that God wished for him to Emperor. He managed to find many many believers of his cause. It took him a couple hundred years to build his Creed.   The battles were horrific. Elves on both sides marched onto the battlefield, lambs to the slaughter. They were roasted, electrocuted, beheaded, impaled, and much more. In the battle for Jade River the Emperor had 5,000 soldiers, Vaelock had only sent one, Merlin Sunborn. Merlin stood on the opposite side of the river to the soldiers. The brave Elves began running across the bridge to kill the magician. Merlin uttered only one word and the water beneath the soldiers feet turned to magma and rose into the air! It filled their throats, seared their flesh and boiled their blood. The stone they stood on melted dropping them into the lava. The rest of the Elves tried to flee, but the magma chased them at their heels and they met the same fate as the others.   There was also the siege of Reshire, were Avaloch the Traitor broke down the walls with a legion of Elemental servants made of stone and rock. His conjured army bashed themselves into the wall repeatedly until they were inside the city.(Avaloch would have just liked to summon them inside the city but a protective charm was laid on Reshire preventing it.) Only mage soldiers were able to put the elemental's down, no blade or mace could break them. It was only with water magic that they were stopped. Even still Avaloch's stone men took the city for the Creed.   In 1319 the Creed's temple was sacked and Vaelock was put to death, ending the war. Even though the war ended it still affects Tir Orail to this day. After Vaelock was executed a lot of magical laws began to be written up and enforced.

The Conflict


Due to the Creed War a lot of policies, restrictions and laws about magic were born. In present time mentioning the Creed War is taboo and illegal in some cities. Wearing a mask in the presence of the Emperor is also illegal.
Conflict Type
Start Date
Ending Date
Conflict Result
Tir Orail was locked into conflict for over 200 years, halting social growth.

Articles under The Creed War/ Vaelock's Rebellion