The Day Time Stood Still

In 1319, after two hundreds years of fighting, The Creed War would end. Emperor Faelin Ularic led 500,000 banners, and twenty dragons to The Creed's Temple, and one by one Vaelock's chosen Priests would fall. A top the temple's Sun Tower Vaelock and the Emperor would finally meet in combat. As Faelin drew his blade, Vaelock raised his arms, with them all of the dead warriors below. The loyal dead began reducing the living, making more undead. Within 30 minuts every elf on the field would be dead, and reduced to ash.   The Emperor then sheathed his blade, and closed his eyes. As Vaelock approached the earth beneath the temple began to shake! Vaelock stumbled back to the towers edge and look to the wilds around them, they were shaking as well. He looked up and it was as if the sun wasn't moving, but it was--very slowly. The castle began to crack apart and the earth below began to split. Faelin would sink the temple and everything around it just to kill Vaelock. Concerned for his knowledge hidden in the temple Vaelock broke his spell and fell to his knees.   Faeling opened his eyes, and drew his blade once more. He muttered a hex and Vaelock was paralyzed. The war-criminal was then taken back to Mytal Alari where he would be slayn after breaking free of his cell, his executioner none other than the Emperor.

The Conflict


Vaelock and his Creed of Light have subjected the country to 200 years of bloody war

Conflict Type
Start Date



  • 3,200 initiates
  • Five Wizard Sages
  • 150,000 Warriors
  • 150,000 Mages
  • 20 Dragons & Dragon Riders


  • All
    287,0000 Elves


  • Slay the false prophet Faelin, and instill Vaelock-The Chosen as Emperor
    Destroy the Temple, Kills the High Priests, and end the war.