The Hunter's Guild Organization in Ire | World Anvil

The Hunter's Guild

The Hunter's guild is an Elven group that hunts game all across Tir Orail and then bring said game to impoverished towns and sell for a low price. The HG first formed in the year 1001, at the start of the Years of Shade--Nine long years of monster attacks. During this time it was a great risk to send hunters out into the wilds so the HG were the ones to stand up for the common folk. They made quite the impact as even when Arwen the Lightbringer ended the Years of Shade the HG stayed in business. The Years of Shade were not the last disaster the Elves would face and for each disaster and war the Hunter's Guild was there.   The HG has a few outposts across the country that they operate from. Some hunters will hunt all over the land but many stay within a certain range of their outpost. The different posts often do not see the hunters from other posts.

Good People Need Good Food

Founding Date
Adventuring Party
Related Species