Elves Species in Ire | World Anvil


Elves make their home in Tir Orail, or the Golden Land. Of all the races elves are the third eldest, and the oldest of the main five. This long history has allowed them to build a great empire of which has only had three emperors. This is because elves by nature are immortal in the sense that they don't age. Their immortality is a direct result of how they were made. When the Light God created the elves it was toying with the very essence of magic itself. It wanted to contain magic in secure vessels and when it did this it created the elves. Elves themselves had no psychical form in the beginning. Over centuries they began forming and growing physical forms. Until eventually they were completely physical.   Despite having bodies elves are still a volatile vessel of magic, this keeps their organs from decaying or breaking down, giving them immortality. When an elf chooses a partner they join their spirits together and once they do a "child is "born" from the magic. However when humans made contact with elves everything changed. The Elves gave themselves genitalia like the humans had to better intermingle. humans and elves started breeding making half elves. Half elves still retain immortality but instead of being born in their final image as a pure blood would they are born as infants and grow up. In human years a half elf will stop aging at age 20. Humans mated with elves and made half elves and those half elves mated with pure bloods making more half elves. However a half elf can't produce a child with a human. Due to the nature of all of this Tir Orail is made up of more half elves than pure bloods. Those remaining pure bloods who never mated with humans became noble families and each rule over and important city in Tir Orail.   There is the royal family who resides in the capital city of Mytal Alari. The royal family of the Emperor is the oldest and most powerful of all the noble families. This is not just because they are pure bloods but because only heirs with the finest magical prowess are considered to be true heirs. Children in the royal family who have "lack luster" magic are disowned and are not recorded as family There is the Dowager line who rules over the city of Dekus Linral, The Hikrina line who rules over the city of Thalas. Last there was the Draconis line. The Draconis line was the black sheep of the noble lines. They worshiped not the Light god but the dragons. They studied them and befriended them. Select members of the Draconis line splintered off from the noble lines and became what would be known as the dragon riders.   It is important to note that a pure blood elf can still be killed, but their death is not like that of a human, half elf, dwarf or Nathair. When a pure blood "dies" they dissipate and become a part of the magical cycle that fuels the magic of Ire.
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