Vlad the Eternal Character in Ire | World Anvil

Vlad the Eternal

(a.k.a. Blood-Lord)

Vlad the Eternal was a lord to the vampire court and a powerful warlord. He was one of the original vampires made by the Dark One. When the new Dark One disowned the vampires Vlad whipped the court into shape and became the first lord of the court who wasn't a Dark One. He was a composed and silent lord, but when he did get angry it was utterly terrifying. A great hunter for his people the vampires in his court never went hungry. He killed the parents of Filavandrel Hero of the Vale and set a party of vampires loose in Greenhaven. His goal wasn't to take the town but to terrorize it and invoke fear. He stole people from the town to feed his people for months. Vlad the Eternal met his end against Filavandrel in his castle. After his death another pure blood took his throne but no one could ever command the respect that Vlad did.
963 2042 1079 years old