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Relevant events

A timeline of the region relevant to the players.

Golden Age

600 Ga 0 Ga

The last age, leaving only tales of the worlds former prosperity.

  • -570 Ga

    18 /4

    Life, Birth
  • -566 Ga

    27 /5

    Life, Birth
  • -471 Ga

    17 /5

    Herald Levi
    Life, Birth
  • -369 Ga

    15 /7

    Life, Birth
  • -340 Ga

    27 /6

    Life, Birth
  • -322 Ga

    21 /7

    Andron DerumHammer
    Life, Birth
  • -314 Ga

    12 /8

    Kohar FareFyre
    Life, Birth
  • -281 Ga

    14 /12

    NIkol DerumHammer
    Life, Birth
  • -184 Ga

    24 /8

    Sylvia Laurent
    Life, Birth
  • -178 Ga

    6 /5

    Life, Birth

    Lofi was born to the Wolf Clan.

  • -178 Ga

    9 /11

    Life, Birth
  • -166 Ga

    18 /9

    Life, Birth

    Menia was born to the Wolf Clan.

  • -157 Ga

    5 /2

    Leon DerumHammer
    Life, Birth
  • -145 Ga

    23 /4

    Eric FareFyre
    Life, Birth
  • -139 Ga

    16 /7

    Maram FareFyre
    Life, Birth
  • -138 Ga

    12 /4

    Ingrid DerumHammer
    Life, Birth
  • -128 Ga

    13 /8

    Hevel DerumHammer
    Life, Birth
  • -125 Ga

    5 /3

    Collin FareFyre
    Life, Birth
  • -121 Ga

    12 /5

    Renate FareFyre
    Life, Birth
  • -121 Ga

    7 /8

    Life, Birth
  • -120 Ga

    28 /9

    Burchard FareFyre
    Life, Birth
  • -118 Ga

    10 /9

    Emeira FareFyre
    Life, Birth
  • -112 Ga

    10 /7

    Rudi FareFyre
    Life, Birth
  • -102 Ga

    9 /12

    Jamil FareFyre
    Life, Birth

  • -101 Ga

    2 /10

    Carmen Levi
    Life, Birth
  • -98 Ga

    3 /3

    Asiya FareFyre
    Life, Birth

    Asiya FareFyre was born.

  • -96 Ga

    6 /8

    Emilia Chadwick
    Life, Birth

    Emilia Chadwick was born.

  • -95 Ga

    17 /2

    Monte FareFyre
    Life, Birth
  • -95 Ga

    13 /13

    Constantine DerumHammer
    Life, Birth

    Constantine DerumHammer was born.

  • -94 Ga

    19 /10

    Hlif FareFyre
    Life, Birth
  • -78 Ga

    13 /13

    Beginning of the End
    Life, Death

    The beginning of the war that ended an era, and came to be known as an apocalypse. Set off by an attack from a Demon Prince, the day was marked by the deaths of many.

  • -77 Ga

    19 /13

    Andron DerumHammer
    Life, Death
  • -73 Ga

    19 /5

    Raja FareFyre
    Life, Birth
  • -71 Ga

    10 /11

    Arati FareFyre
    Life, Birth
  • -70 Ga

    9 /5

    Maram FareFyre
    Life, Death
  • -69 Ga

    8 /13

    Sefu FareFyre
    Life, Birth
  • -68 Ga

    13 /1

    Fall of the Kingdom of Thadia
    Life, Death
  • -64 Ga

    7 /2

    Rory FareFyre
    Life, Birth
  • -61 Ga

    8 /8

    Life, Birth
  • -50 Ga

    5 /5

    The Birth of Hilda - Demigoddess
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The birth of the Demigod Hilda, the daughter of Olympia.

  • -32 Ga

    5 /11

    The FareFyre Stand
    Life, Death

    A major conflict that largely determined the fate of the Orcs in the great ravine. Though the battle may have been lost, those who fought ultimately turned the tide of the war fought here, ensuring future victories. The family who led the battle, and was nearly entirely lost, is forever remembered in the region as Heroes.

  • -21 Ga

    1 /13

    Life, Death
  • -5 Ga

    10 /12

    Life, Birth

Post War

1 Ga and beyond

The current age of recovery after the end of the cataclysmic war that ravaged the world.

  • 2 Pw

    6 /7

    Rory FareFyre
    Life, Death
  • 18 Pw

    17 /5

    Dwendal Levi
    Life, Birth
  • 20 Pw

    5 /7

    Olivia & Holley
    Life, Birth
  • 53 Pw

    11 /1

    Life, Birth
  • 53 Pw

    6 /3

    Ruven Locklart
    Life, Birth
  • 70 Pw

    19 /5

    Monte FareFyre
    Life, Death
  • 101 Pw

    11 /11

    Life, Death
  • 110 Pw

    14 /7

    Life, Birth
  • 117 Pw

    12 /3

    Bidzill & Morganna
    Life, Birth

    Bidzill and Morganna were born.

  • 137 Pw

    4 /3

    Life, Birth
  • 168 Pw

    14 /12

    Life, Birth
  • 179 Pw

    18 /1

    Life, Birth

    Corinthia was born.

  • 181 Pw

    21 /7

    Life, Birth
  • 183 Pw

    10 /6

    Melitta Laurent
    Life, Birth
  • 201 Pw

    16 /5

    Herald Levi
    Life, Death
  • 201 Pw

    23 /9

    Life, Death
  • 211 Pw

    1 /7

    Alfia Reyes
    Life, Birth
  • 238 Pw

    3 /4

    Seth Reyes
    Life, Birth
  • 285 Pw

    19 /6

    Life, Birth

    Jerack was born.

  • 290 Pw

    4 /13

    Alfia Reyes
    Life, Death
  • 300 Pw

    8 /3

    Life, Death
  • 303 Pw

    4 /2

    Family Feud

    Corinthia ran away from home at the age of 124.

  • 312 Pw

    15 /7

    Life, Death
  • 312 Pw

    9 /9

    Liko Reyes
    Life, Birth
  • 314 Pw

    2 /6

    Life, Birth

    Glynis was born.

  • 331 Pw

    9 /1

    Cassim De Claire
    Life, Birth

    Cassim, though not yet De Claire, was born.

  • 332 Pw

    7 /9

    Cailyn Combs
    Life, Birth

    Cailyn Combs was born.

  • 333 Pw

    23 /13

    Life, Death
  • 334 Pw

    17 /3

    Life, Birth

    Hektor was born.

  • 337 Pw

    20 /8

    Life, Birth

    Victoria, who would become Victoria De Claire was born.

  • 338 Pw

    26 /8

    Life, Birth

    Leto was born.

  • 341 Pw

    28 /7

    Life, Death

    Lofi tragically passed away due to a hunting incident.

  • 341 Pw

    3 /9

    Death of Menia
    Life, Death

    Menia Yuma died of heartbreak after her husband passed away.

  • 349 Pw

    7 /12

    Life, Death
  • 353 Pw

    1 /10

    De Claire Dukedom

    Cassim was granted the name De Claire and elevated to the rank of Duke. He was granted the area today known as the De Claire Dukedom.

  • 355 Pw

    18 /8

    Life, Birth

    Apollo was born.

  • 356 Pw

    28 /9

    Cassim & Victoria

    Cassim & Victoria got married.

  • 358 Pw

    17 /1

    Nadine Locklart
    Life, Birth
  • 358 Pw

    18 /3

    Life, Birth

    Jacob, who would marry Karla De Claire, was born.

  • 358 Pw

    16 /6

    Life, Birth

    Gwvawl was born.

  • 359 Pw

    7 /2

    Artur Lanoire
    Life, Birth

    Artur Lanoire was born.

  • 360 Pw

    27 /5

    Karla De Claire
    Life, Birth

    Karla De Claire was born as Cassim & Victoria's first child.

  • 363 Pw

    12 /6

    Serena De Claire
    Life, Birth

    Serena De Claire was born as Cassim and Victoria's second, and last child.

  • 363 Pw

    13 /6

    Victoria De Claire
    Life, Death

    Victoria De Claire tragically passed away after the labors of childbirth. Age 25.

  • 364 Pw

    18 /4

    Tracy Andiret
    Life, Birth

    Tracy Andiret was born.

  • 365 Pw

    5 /5

    Tarra Lindward
    Life, Birth

    Tarra Lindward was born.

  • 368 Pw

    18 /2

    Life, Birth

    Maja the Tiefling was born.

  • 368 Pw

    12 /8

    Life, Birth

    Agatha was born to two cyclops parents.

  • 373 Pw

    21 /5

    Marwin Locklart
  • 379 Pw

    28 /1

    Life, Death
  • 380 Pw

    9 /9

    Serena & Artur

    Serena De Claire marries into the Lanoire family, marrying Artur Lanoire.

  • 381 Pw

    21 /7

    Jeremy Lanoire
    Life, Birth

    Jeremy Lanoire was born as Serena & Artur's first child.

  • 382 Pw

    19 /7

    Fabian Rhodes
    Life, Birth

    Fabian Rhodes was born.

  • 383 Pw

    9 /6

    Delphi Levi
    Life, Birth
  • 383 Pw

    13 /7

    Karla & Jacob

    Karla & Jacob marry.

  • 383 Pw

    7 /12

    Reina Lupu
    Life, Birth

    Reina Lupu was born.

  • 384 Pw

    8 /4

    Henry Lanoire
    Life, Birth

    Henry Lanoire was born as Serena & Artur's second child.

  • 384 Pw

    13 /6

    Yael Ashton
    Life, Birth

    Yael Ashton was born in a remote Viscounty.

  • 384 Pw

    16 /9

    Kimi Reyes
    Life, Birth
  • 384 Pw

    6 /12

    Cassim De Claire
    Life, Death

    Cassim De Claire and his party lost their lives in the Dark Barony. Cassim was 53.

  • 384 Pw

    7 /12

    New Dutchess - Karla De Claire
    Political event

    Karla De Claire became the Dutchess after her late father.

  • 385 Pw

    16 /7

    Roan De Claire
    Life, Birth

    Roan De Claire was born as Karla & Jacob's first child.

  • 386 Pw

    10 /10

    Ulumphia Datura
    Life, Birth

    Ulumphia Datura was born.

  • 387 Pw

    12 /4

    Darlene De Claire
    Life, Birth

    Darlene De Claire was born as Karla & Jacob's second child.

  • 388 Pw

    2 /8

    Ander Lindward
    Life, Birth

    Ander Lindward was born.

  • 388 Pw

    27 /12

    Sam Andiret
    Life, Birth

    Sam Andiret was born.

  • 389 Pw

    15 /5

    Nakita Lanoire
    Life, Birth

    Nakita Lanoire is born as Serena & Artur's third and final child.

  • 389 Pw

    28 /9

    Life, Death

    Maja died giving birth to Nixi.

  • 389 Pw

    28 /9

    Life, Birth

    Nixi the Cyclops was born to an enslaved Teifling mother who died in childbirth. She was raised by her father and step-mother as their own daughter.

  • 392 Pw

    16 /7

    Karla De Claire
    Life, Death

    Karla De Claire tragically passed away. Age 32.

  • 392 Pw

    17 /7

    New Duke - Jacob De Claire
    Political event

    Jacob De Claire became the Duke (regent) of the De Claire dutchy.

  • 392 Pw

    25 /8

    Nell Hsu
    Life, Birth

    Nell, who would become Nell Andiret was born.

  • 395 Pw

    18 /12

    Artur Lanoire
    Life, Death

    Artur Lanoire died fighting against the dangers of the Dark Barony.

  • 397 Pw

    19 /5

    Jeremy & Reina

    Jeremy and Reina get married.

  • 398 Pw

    8 /8

    Ronald Lanoire
    Life, Birth

    Ronald Lanoire was born to Jeremy & Reina as their first child.

  • 400 Pw

    19 /3

    Valery Hofstead
    Life, Birth

    Valery Hofstead was born.

  • 401 Pw

    2 /4

    Pauline Rhodes
    Life, Birth

    Pauline Rhodes was born to Darlene & Fabian.

  • 401 Pw

    13 /6

    De Claire Castle Fire
    Disaster / Destruction

    A fire broke out in the De Claire castle, destroying many of the antiques and portraits within the castle, wiping away many historical items contained within the castle.

  • 401 Pw

    12 /11

    Henry & Ulumphia

    Henry and Ulumphia get married.

  • 402 Pw

    16 /7

    Shara Datura
    Life, Birth

    Shara Datura was born to Henry & Ulumphia as their first child.

  • 402 Pw

    13 /13

    Rum & Gin
    Life, Birth

    Rum & Gin were born.

  • 403 Pw

    25 /3

    Seela Reyes
    Life, Birth
  • 403 Pw

    4 /11

    Roan & Yael

    Roan and Yael got married when he was 18.

  • 403 Pw

    15 /11

    Harold Lanoire
    Life, Birth

    Harold Lanoire was born to Jeremy & Reina as their second child.

  • 404 Pw

    4 /4

    Eddard De Claire
    Life, Birth

    Eddard De Claire was born.

  • 404 Pw

    22 /5

    George Datura
    Life, Birth

    George Datura was born to Henry & Ulumphia as their second child.

  • 405 Pw

    3 /7

    Darlene & Fabian

    Darlene marries Fabian Rhodes, becoming Darlene Rhodes at age 18.

  • 405 Pw

    6 /8

    Parisia Rhodes
    Life, Birth

    Parisia Rhodes was born to Darlene & Fabian as their second child.

  • 405 Pw

    7 /11

    Jacob De Claire
    Life, Death

    Jacob De Claire died of an unknown illness. Age 47.

  • 405 Pw

    8 /11

    New Duke - Roan De Claire
    Political event

    Roan De Claire inherited the Dukedom following his fathers passing.

  • 406 Pw

    25 /12

    Mursha Datura
    Life, Birth

    Mursha Datura was born to Henry & Ulumphia as their third child.

  • 407 Pw

    19 /4

    Samuel Rhodes
    Life, Birth

    Samuel Rhodes was born to Darlene & Fabian as their third child.

  • 407 Pw

    7 /12

    Isabell Lanoire
    Life, Birth

    Isabell Lanoire was born to Jeremy & Reina as their third child.

  • 407 Pw

    7 /13

    Kirene De Claire
    Life, Birth

    Kirene De Claire was born.

  • 408 Pw

    25 /10

    Charlotte De Claire
    Life, Birth

    Charlotte De Claire was born.

  • 408 Pw

    8 /11

    Seth Reyes
    Life, Death
  • 408 Pw

    12 /13

    Anthony Rhodes
    Life, Birth

    Anthony Rhodes was born to Darlene & Fabian as their fourth and final child.

  • 409 Pw

    16 /6

    Lida Reyes
    Life, Birth
  • 409 Pw

    18 /8

    Faythrutix Datura
    Life, Birth

    Faythrutix Datura was born to Henry & Ulumphia as their fourth child.

  • 409 Pw

    1 /9

    Sam & Nell

    Sam and Nell Andiret got married.

  • 409 Pw

    17 /10

    Nakita & Ander

    Nakita and Ander get married.

  • 410 Pw

    17 /9

    Messa & Noland Lindward
    Life, Birth

    Messa & Noland Lindward are born.

  • 411 Pw

    5 /10

    Blake Andiret
    Life, Birth

    Blake Andiret was born.

  • 412 Pw

    26 /4

    David Lindward
    Life, Birth

    David Datura was born to Ander & Nakita as their third child.

  • 412 Pw

    19 /5

    Life, Birth

    Saki was born.

  • 412 Pw

    7 /8

    Johnathan De Claire
    Life, Birth

    Jonathan De Claire was born.

  • 413 Pw

    14 /1

    Sera lanoire
    Life, Birth

    Sera Lanoire was born to Jeremy & Reina as their fourth and final child.

  • 413 Pw

    13 /3

    Ronald Lanoire
    Life, Death

    Ronald Lanoire tragically passed away in the Dark Barony at the age of 15.

  • 413 Pw

    3 /7

    Ash Andiret
    Life, Birth

    Ash Andiret was born.

  • 413 Pw

    28 /13

    Sema Lindward
    Life, Birth

    Sema Lindward was born to Ander & Nakita as their fourth child.

  • 414 Pw

    19 /6

    Roan met Charlotte
    Life, Relationship change

    Roan and Charlotte met for the first time.

  • 415 Pw

    1 /7

    Kordina Lindward
    Life, Birth

    Kordina Lindward was born to Ander & Nakita as their fifth child.

  • 416 Pw

    18 /8

    Drew Andiret
    Life, Birth

    Drew Andiret was born.

  • 417 Pw

    19 /7

    Life, Death

    Efum is killed by her two daughters, Rum & Gin for trying to eat their father alive.

  • 417 Pw

    25 /9

    Bella Lindward
    Life, Birth

    Bella Lindward was born to Ander & Nakita as their sixth child.

  • 419 Pw

    14 /7

    Jefri & Loti Lindward
    Life, Birth

    Jefri and Loti Lindward were born to Ander & Nakita as their seventh and eighth children (Final).

  • 420 Pw

    17 /12

    Glenn Andiret
    Life, Birth

    Glenn Andiret was born.

  • 420 Pw

    23 /12

    Gabe Datura
    Life, Birth

    Gabe Datura was born to Henry & Ulumphia as their fifth and final child.

  • 422 Pw

    11 /13

    Fall or Lorinth
    Life, Death
  • 423 Pw

    28 /1

    Jaden Andiret
    Life, Birth

    Jaden Andiret was born.

  • 424 Pw

    24 /7

    Shara & Ruhk

    Shara and Ruhk get married.

  • 425 Pw

    21 /9

    Jiro Datura
    Life, Birth

    Jiro Datura was born.

  • 426 Pw

    27 /9

    George & Vola

    George and Vola get married.

  • 427 Pw

    8 /6

    Life, Milestone

    Today's date.

  • 428 Pw

    28 /2

    Mursha & Lucio

    Mursha and Lucio's planned marriage date.