
The Dark God, The Ebon God, He of Eternal Darkness, the Lost God, The Chained Oblivion, The Angel of Irons
Cyric is the mad deity of death and trickery. It dreams the infinite Abyss and its demon hordes into being.
Cyric is an ancient entity, possibly older than even the other gods. It was sealed once long ago, back when the deities first began to give form to the world after the defeating and scattering of the prime elementals that previously walked across Irion in its early days. The gods had thought to have banished Cyric but it was released once more onto the Material Plane during the Calamity, causing untold destruction and chaos. It was responsible for dealing a great wound to Danu, from which she is still recovering.

The Rites of Prime Banishment were used for the first time to re-banish Cyric and end the war of the Calamity. During these rites, it took Ilmater's full might to beat down Cyric, attach four Prime Trammels, and finally complete the ritual. Cyric was, however, successfully banished. It is said that six sets of divine shackles hold the Chained Oblivion at the bottom of Abyss, their power anchored somewhere in Irion. The locations of each shackle fane are closely guarded secrets within the highest clergy of the the Dawnfather and the Knowing Mistress. It is feared that the nature of Cyric, being unlike the other divinities, could shatter the Divine Gate itself if unleashed. No one knows how few shackles must remain to keep it at bay.
Those who are foolhardy enough to follow such twisting destruction as the Chained Oblivion are often spurned, hateful, and chaotic souls who fall through the cracks of society. A bit of inherent madness left unchecked opens the door to the creeping Void that draws those who worship this entity. The characteristics of the Chained Oblivion’s influence are bouts of uncontrollable hunger, uncharacteristic aggression, and eventually violent mania. The higher acolytes of Cyric, as part of their ritual of ascension and to show their true faith, often remove their eyes so they can peer through shadow and light with his boon.

The Chained Oblivion and his followers often deceive other sects into aiding their efforts by creating a false idol entirely. Its intent, as best can be ascertained, is to consume and destroy.

Divine Domains

Death, Grave, Trickery

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Crooked, seven-pointed star made of chains

Tenets of Faith

  • Uncover, restore, and exalt forgotten shrines in his honor.
  • Offer and siphon power to the Chained Oblivion until his liberation comes.
  • Ruin and raze the realms to prepare for the Epoch of Ends.
Divine Classification
Chaotic Evi
