Silas "Cutthroat" Langston

Me? I'm dishonest, and a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly. It's the honest ones you want to watch out for, because you can never predict when they're going to do something incredibly... stupid.
Silas Langston, aka Captain Cutthroat, or just Cutthroat, is a tall, well-muscled gender-fluid individual with long black hair braided with gems, coins, and beads. They have a medium skin tone, both from ancestry and being out in the sun most of the day. Dresses in leather with a red frock coat and no shirt. The coat is almost always left hanging open, displaying a chest covered in battle scars. Has multiple piercings: three in their lower lip, four in each ear, and one through their tongue. Surprisingly has no visible tattoos, but does wear an eye patch (that isn't needed, just wears it because they can). Goes by he/they. It varies by the day which they feel most like but will answer to both.

At first glance, Silas seems glib and apathetic. Slow to react, and seemingly uninterested in things around them. But that is a facade that is soon seen past. Silas views the people of Fallport and the members of their crew as family. A firm believer in the saying "the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb", found family means more to them than family by blood and this is proven over and over by their actions. Screw with their people or their crew, and your days are numbered. Is known to have an explosive temper, and once made angry, they stay angry. So it's wise not to piss them off.

Not much is truly known about Silas' background, other than they were formally educated and are very well-read. That they read at all is evidence of this fact. About 15 to 20 years ago, they showed up in Fallport on the deck of the then Pirate Lord's ship and never left. Working from the bottom, they took over as captain of the 'Royal Fortune' at the age of 25 and have been in charge since. Was voted as Pirate King almost unanimously, which doesn't often happen, so either the other pirate lords like them more, or fear them more than others. Or a mixture of both.


Chaotic Neutral
Current Location
Early/Mid 30s?
Current Residence
Fallport Coast
Almond shaped, gold
Long and black, half braided
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Faintly tanned
Ruled Locations