The Brethren

The Brethren is an association of pirates lead by the Brethren Court , which is lead by the Pirate King (who is currently Silas "Cutthroat" Langston).


The Brethren is led by whomever bears the title of Pirate King. The Pirate King rules The Brethren's stronghold of Fallport Coast, as well as heads the Brethren Court when it meets. As ruler of The Brethren, the Pirate King allows the numerous pirating vessels of the faction the use of Fallport Coast as a place of refuge to trade and sell their ill-gotten goods, as well as for the repair and maintenance of their ships. However, the Pirate King expects a percentage of all earnings from their activities as tribute each time they come to port, regardless of the need for those services at the time.

Additionally, the Pirate King holds the responsibility of maintaining a basic system of law and order amongst The Brethren's members. In the event of a major dispute between two or more Brethren members pertaining to the breaking of the law, their case is brought before the Pirate King at which point the parties argue their cases and the Pirate King makes a judgment accordingly. If one party is found to be at fault, depending on the severity of the offense, the offending party may be sentenced to pay some form of restitution to the offended party or may even be put to death if the Pirate King deems it suitable (or in some cases, is 100% done with everyone).


The Brethren keeps extensive records of those crews aligned to them. Those who serve under a captain aligned with The Brethren are considered members bound by its laws of non-violence and theft against other members whilst within Fallport Coast; additionally, piracy committed against other members whilst on the seas is strictly forbidden. However, only major disputes seem to ever reach the Pirate King's ears, with minor incidents such as bar fights or assaults being overlooked or never even reported.

A number of The Brethren are not sailors and instead remain in Fallport to work as shipwrights, merchants, shore guards, or entertainers. Many of these people lived in Fallport before The Brethren took over, or have been born since, and gave allegiance to The Brethren in exchange for its protection.
Illicit, Pirate Crew
Parent Organization