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Bhalin, the revered dwarven god, stands as the embodiment of masonry, wine, ale, and mead. His teachings promote freedom and self-discovery, inspiring others to find their own paths in life. Fervently fighting for just causes, Bhalin takes delight in indulging in the finest pleasures life has to offer. Deep within the mountains, his temples take the form of grand breweries, where his dedicated clerics, known as the best brewers in the realms, craft libations of unparalleled quality. Bhalin's benevolence and influence extend far beyond the dwarven race, earning the respect and admiration of diverse peoples throughout the realms.
  In the realm of Pathfinder, Bhalin's edicts guide his followers to relish in the joy of drink, free slaves, aid the oppressed, and seek glory and adventure. Conversely, he forbids wasting alcohol, displaying meanness or standoffishness when drunk, and owning slaves. His devoted followers align themselves with various alignments, embracing Neutral Good, Chaotic Good, or Chaotic Neutral dispositions.
  As the dwarven god of masonry, Bhalin's divine power is channeled through the font of healing, enabling his clerics to mend the wounds of the faithful. Furthermore, his divine skill, Acrobatics, empowers his followers with the nimbleness and grace needed to navigate the challenges that arise in their adventures.
  The favored weapon of Bhalin's disciples is the mighty maul, a formidable symbol of the strength and resilience they embody. His divine domains encompass cities, freedom, indulgence, and might, reflecting the diverse facets of his influence on the realms.
  Within the sacred temples dedicated to Bhalin, a unique group of dwarf masons known as the Chosen Masons of Bhalin holds great significance. Devoting their lives to crafting perfect buildings in honor of the gods, these skilled artisans are responsible for constructing the temples and legendary taverns and inns scattered throughout the realms. To join the esteemed ranks of the Chosen Masons, one must demonstrate unparalleled excellence in their craft, earning the admiration and respect of their peers. Headquarters for this esteemed group of masons can be found in most cities, ensuring that their craftsmanship leaves an indelible mark on the realms.
  The brewers who honor Bhalin have devised sacred rituals specific to the creation of mead. During a special feast, the brewers formally invite the god to attend, commemorating his presence with a feast of lamb. On some rare occasions, Bhalin has been known to join such feasts, astonishing dwarves with his incredible capacity for drink. In a ritual of deep significance, the brewers pour the ancient mead into the new one while offering prayers to Bhalin. This culminates in the creation of the new ancient mead, infused with the essence of every mead ever made in the brewery's history, capturing the spirit of tradition and celebration in every drop.
  Bhalin, the dwarven god of masonry, wine, ale, and mead, stands as a beacon of freedom, self-indulgence, and craftsmanship, earning the adoration and respect of a multitude of followers across the realms. The divine blessings he bestows upon his dedicated clerics and followers inspire them to seek glory and embrace the joys of life with unyielding fervor.
Divine Classification
Dwarven God of Masonry, Wine, Ale, and Mead


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