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Ode of the World

In the dawn of existence, void's endless sea,
Old Gods arose, born of cosmic decree.
From formless abyss, they sought a domain,
A celestial haven, where eternity's reign.
  Light and Darkness, twin entities rare,
Born from the cosmos, a destined pair.
In endless conflict, their dance did enthrall,
For one could not exist without the other's call.
  Eons passed, Old Gods grew weary and sore,
Threw Light and Darkness into the void's mighty core.
A desperate bid to annihilation's door,
Yet destiny had a different plan in store.
  In the depths of nothing, a truce they would find,
Their survival in unity was intricately twined.
They merged, essence intertwining and combined,
From the void they emerged, transcendent and refined.
  The legends speak of a third, enigmatic in grace,
A sacrifice offered, a cosmic embrace.
The bargain unverified, in history's embrace,
An unsolved puzzle, an enigma we chase.
  Light and Darkness, tainted by the void's breath,
Avatars were devised, for their journey to death.
Crom and Hades, on earth took their stand,
Conduits of cosmic power, in a world's hand.
  Seven planes they stacked, a cataclysmic war,
Old Gods imprisoned, forevermore.
The battle was won, yet a vision they saw,
Of a war on the horizon, a world in awe.
  A truce enduring, potential war held at bay,
Awaiting a prophesied, devastating day.
A world created, for humans, elves, and more,
Destined to stand, on that epic shore.
  Light in Eternal Gardens, serene and divine,
Darkness in the Fortress, where power entwines.
Humanity's fate, in their vision did align,
For the cosmic clash, a future's design.
  In your tale's embrace, the eternal unfolds,
A cosmic dance, as history unfolds.
A world created, a prophecy foretold,
In this ode, your story we now extol.
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