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Light and Darkness

At the dawn of existence, there was nothing but the boundless void, an expanse of formless nothingness. It was from this abyss that the Old Gods emerged, ancient and incomprehensible beings, born of the very essence of the void itself. Their powers were vast, and they sought a realm to call their own, a place of eternal existence. Thus, they conjured into existence the Astral Sea, a celestial haven where they could eternally dwell.
  In their cosmic solitude, the Old Gods fashioned two celestial beings, Light and Darkness, born from the primal duality of the universe. These two entities were tasked with the duty of entertaining their creators, and so, they engaged in an eternal dance of conflict. Light and Darkness, intrinsically linked, forever battled, for one could not exist without the other.
  As eons passed, the Old Gods wearied of this never-ending spectacle and, in a fit of frustration, cast Light and Darkness into the very void from which they themselves had emerged. It was a desperate attempt to annihilate these celestial forces, but it was a plan doomed to fail. In the depths of the void, Light and Darkness reached a truce, recognizing that their survival depended on their unity. They merged, each tainting the other with their essence, and together they emerged from the void more powerful than ever.
  The ancient mythologies handed down through generations speak of a third entity, a creation of the Old Gods, a being shrouded in mystery and often seen as a sacrificial offering. According to legend, Light and Darkness made a grim bargain, utilizing this enigmatic entity's sacrifice to escape the void and ultimately challenge the Old Gods' dominion.
  Yet, despite the fervent efforts of scholars and priests, no concrete evidence has ever been uncovered to substantiate this legend. It remains a tantalizing enigma, an unsolved puzzle within the vast tapestry of your world's history.
"The Doctor," once a mortal who journeyed with Light and Darkness, was exiled to the Void by Light. His return is a perplexing mystery. The question about others escaping the Void raises intrigue and uncertainty, potentially reshaping your world's fate.
— Grand Wizard Fladnag

  Tainted by their time in the void, Light and Darkness devised avatars for themselves, known in the ancient tongue as Crom and Hades. These avatars served as their earthly vessels, conduits for their cosmic power. With these avatars, they waged a cataclysmic war against the Old Gods, laying seven planes atop one another, and sealing the Old Gods within, locked in an eternal prison.
  The battle was won, but it left Light and Darkness with profound insights into the future. They recognized the potential of a great conflict brewing, should the Old Gods ever escape their cosmic prison. In response, they agreed to an enduring truce, holding the potential for a devastating war at bay.
  Atop one of the planes, Light and Darkness created a realm, envisioning a world populated by humans, elves, and dwarves. These races, born from their cosmic visions, were destined to become a formidable army, standing ready to face the Old Gods should they ever break free. For Hades foresaw a day when the followers of the Old Gods would rise, seeking vengeance, and a final battle of epic proportions would decide the fate of your world.
  With the establishment of this world, Light retreated to the Eternal Gardens, a place of serenity and ethereal beauty, while Darkness took residence in the Eternal Fortress, a bastion of power and intrigue. They entrusted the evolution of humanity and the other races to the world they had created, their eternal vigil waiting for the prophesized day when the cosmic clash would erupt, potentially heralding the end of their tranquil existence.
All Time-Continuum
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