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Praca - City of the World Tree   Nestled amidst the sprawling branches and roots of the World Tree, Praca stands as a breathtaking marvel of elvish craftsmanship and spiritual significance. This ancient city, enclosed within a protective black wall, exudes an air of mystery and reverence, serving as the heart and soul of Elvish Art in Al-Bassad.   The World Tree - A Living Pillar   Praca's awe-inspiring architecture blends seamlessly with the World Tree, its buildings entwined with the living trunk and branches. The city's design emphasizes harmony with nature, with wooden structures adorned with intricate carvings and graceful curves. Shimmering crystals line the walkways, casting a soft, ethereal glow that illuminates the city at dusk.   The Oracle's Heart   Deep within the sacred heart of the World Tree lies the Oracle's Heart, a hallowed chamber where ancient shamans are chosen to lead their people. The selection of a new shaman occurs during each eclipse, a celestial event believed to be a sacred alignment of cosmic energies. The chosen shaman becomes the spiritual guide and guardian of Praca, ensuring the city's harmony and well-being.   The Grand Archive - A Treasure Trove of Knowledge   Praca boasts the Grand Archive, a sprawling repository of knowledge and lore that delves into the history of Everything. Within its shelves and chambers, countless scrolls, books, and tomes narrate the past, present, and potential futures. Scholars and sages from all corners of Al-Bassad seek solace within its walls, delving into the ancient wisdom preserved for generations.   River of Serenity   A gentle river flows through the heart of Praca, a shimmering thread of tranquility that meanders through the city's streets. The elves have crafted serene bridges and arches that span across the river, allowing its crystal-clear waters to blend seamlessly with the city's natural beauty.   Elvish Artistry - A Symphony of Creativity   Praca pulsates with elvish artistry, seen in every facet of the city's design. High Elves, renowned for their craftsmanship, have meticulously adorned buildings with intricate patterns, delicate carvings, and graceful motifs that capture the essence of their people's spiritual connection with nature.   The Arena of Legends   Praca's large arena is a spectacle of entertainment, where gladiators engage in skillful combat for the amusement of its citizens. The arena echoes with the cheers of the crowd, as tales of heroic battles and legendary champions are etched into the city's cultural fabric.   A Serene Haven of Tranquility   Praca stands as a serene haven of tranquility, a living testament to the profound bond between the elves and the World Tree. As the heart of Elvish Art in Al-Bassad, the city thrives under the nurturing embrace of its spiritual roots, preserving the legacy of ancient wisdom and creativity for the generations to come.   Terminus - The greatest building in Praca   The Terminus houses humans. Human slaves. Stands as a full district of the city. Slaves are traded here every day, the non-elves of Pracaborg own no rights. The humans with freedom either gained it by winning in the Great Contest of the Arena, or were granted freedom by their masters. The Terminus is a place of suffering and torture. It is even walled inside the city, and guarded by Praca's most competent guards. The shamans often sort through slaves who could be great sacrifices, and at every solstice, 88 humans are tortured and sacrificed at midnight for the god Kalan
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